Nikon SLR Cameras
Kathy V
2 answers
Kathy V

How to use the neewer tt560 on my Nikon 5100?

For some reason i can't get it to work with my nikon. I Put the flash, on but when i go on to take pictures, the built in flash pop up. Ok I'm not a camera person, so help.

3 answers

Details on only buying one of each filter?

I have heard quite a few times to only buy one size filter and buy step up rings.
I also hear to use UV filters as protection devices for lenses and so they are easier to clean. One thought is to keep UV filters on at all times, but that conflicts the rule of only buy one size filter.

My lens kit will exist of:
11-16 f/2.8 Tokina, 77mm filter thread (polarizer not used on this lens)
17-55 f/2.8 Nikon, 77mm filter thread
35mm 1.8g prime, 52mm filter thread
70-300 Nikon, 67mm filter thread

So how does the filter shopping go? Below is written up a few different ways, each have their pros and cons, not sure which is best:

1) buy UV lenses for all 4 lenses and just one 77mm polarizer lens.
When polarizer lens is used, remove the UV lens and install a step up ring and use a 77mm lens cap with it between shots when using polarizer.

Another option:

2) install the proper step-up ring each time the prime and telephoto is used; this means buy one 77mm UV lens, one 77mm Polarizer. Also get a 77mm lens cap to use with the prime and telephoto for between shots.

Another option:

3) change my prime lens and telephoto over to 77mm lens caps permanently. This means don't keep a UV filter on any of the lenses in storage and when the lens is used install either a UV or Polarizer lens each time.

So, are one of those the way to go for me or is there a better option? My application is hiking, landscapes and vacations.

Andr meda
2 answers
Andr meda
2 answers

Where can i get a Nikon m-223 rifle scopes from in Australia?

I want to get a Nikon m-223 scope but don't know where to look. Can you get them shipped over from USA?

2 answers

Looking for a good Nikon or Canon camera?

I'm looking for a camera that does great in low-light or night shots, as well as does great when taking photographs of stage plays, w/o a flash (don't want to distract anyone).

Any recommendations? I was hoping for a mid size camera, around $300-$600. Preferably able to buy different lenses to attach to the camera. By the question: a Nikon or a Canon please, thanks for your help!

3 answers

I want a camera but a cheap one

Like $450 - $570. Only canon and nikon cameras. MUST TAKE VIDEOS (HD)

4 answers

How to Hold a Semi-DSLR (Bridge) camera?

I want to know, Should a bridge camera be hold like a D-SLR while taking photos, or just like a point and shoot camera?
i'm buying a Nikon L310, so Had the question!
I'm comfortable at both styles, just wanted to know which is the best position!

Added (1). L310 doesn't have a ViewFinder,
Is Nikon P500 Worth 400$?

Andr meda
2 answers
Andr meda
4 answers

SLR cameras, what to buy?

I'm looking to get a nice camera but totally stumped with what to get. I don't know a lot about SLR cameras so I'm gonna look around and do some research first.

Just to get a few quick things ot of the way, which is better to buy? SLR or DSLR?
There are Nikon and Canon cameras, I'm leaning more towards Nikon just cause I have been using Nikon for a while now.

I'm not looking for something too expensive or high-tech for experts, something simple for beginners really.

6 answers

SLR cameras, Nikon or Canon?

Which brand would be better to buy when getting an SLR camera?
models and prices would be great too