Nikon SLR Cameras
2 answers

Any suggestions on how to stop zoom creep on a lens?

I carry my dslr with the strap on my shoulder like a black rapid strap. So even a lens like the nikon 16-85 will have zoom creep after 5 minutes of walking. My 70-300 takes less time to zoom creep.

Now besides using a silicon wristband to stop zoom creep. What are other more aesthetic ways to prevent zoom creep?

Added (1). Yes Nikon do have internal zooms. They also very expensive. Not to mention big and heavy.

6 answers

What Nikon Camera would be best for professional pictures and less than 1000 bucks?

Or would be CLOSEST to taking professional like pictures?

Added (1). Hondo: Okay then let me rephrase this question-- "What Nikon Camera would be the best quality, closest to taking professional photos under $1000?"

3 answers

Which camera wud be the best?

Hi. I want to buy a camera.a very good one.near to professional but easy to carry…
which one wud be the best… Canon or nikon or any other.
i would want it in the range or 20, 000 to 30, 000rs i.e indian rupees.
i'm THINK if i wud get an DSLR in that range.
my preference is that there should be high quality clarty. The picture should be very clear. And 3d trpe. I have heard that its the optical zoom that is responsible for this.
wud be rely great if someone cud hep me with the configuration, i, e the mega pixcels and optical zoom.etc, which one should i buy.

McKenna W
4 answers
McKenna W

Polaroid camera advice?

I've been looking to buy a Polaroid camera for quite a while. I've only ever used my big Nikon digital, so I know nothing about anything non-digital. (Please don't give me an attitude or a debate about "photography." I just want someone experienced to help me out here, I'm starting a new project.) I looked on Amazon, but there were many different models and types, and I don't know where to start or what to get! I just want a camera that will give me simple little physical Polaroid pictures. Preferably affordable, but I'll worry about prices on my own.

5 answers

Qestion professional photorgraphers?

I'm getting into photograpy, but am having trouble with what camera and lenses to go with. I was at a wedding recently and I was talking to the photographer about her camera. She said I wanna go with a 2-800 whatever that means. Let me explain what I what to do. I want to take long distance shots that look up close. I want to be able to take a picture of the grass in the morning and see each dew drop in the picture. Or take a picture of rain and see the individual drop. I also want to be able to do miniature faking photos. I was looking at this lens AF 100mm f/2.8 AT-X M100 Pro D Macro Lens - Nikon Mount. I'm a beginner, but I want professional shots, what camera and lens should I buy?

3 answers

Looking for photography instructions for dyslexics?

I have a young friend who has taken an interest in photography. She's 15 and has dyslexia. She inherited a Nikon SLR and I'm looking for a resource (website or book, etc… ) that is geared towards explaining the basics of photography (composition, F-Stop, and the like) to people with dyslexia. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as this is an art form that's useful to her.

1 answer

Will you please give me advice on my video project?

I have a video project due in a few weeks and I'm shooting it with my friend's Nikon camera. Pretty cool camera, not too big, not to fancy. Anyway the camera has nothing to do with it. I want to shoot a good video

SIDE NOTE: It's a video for a trailer. Like a movie trailer only it's for a book.

So I have a few questions:

1. What is a good and free website I can use to edit the video that will not be slow on my computer or send viruses?

2. Going with the first question, is Windows Live Maker sufficient?

3. Approximately how long do you think it will take to edit this video, that I estimate to be about 4 minutes long. I want it to be as close to a movie trailer as I can get, but free!

Thank you so much for anyone who took the time to read this and help me out: D

2 answers

What lens cap would fit a 18-55mm lens?

I got bought a nikon 40 with the 18-55mm lens. But it didn't come with a lens cap. What size would it be?
or how do figure it out?

4 answers

Best Point and Shoot Camera in $100 Range?

$130 MAX but prefer to stay close to $100 or less. Looking for best features, quality, reliability, battery life, HD video etc. Sony, Nikon, Kodak, Samsung, Canon, I don't care. What's the best one out right now?

3 answers

How to make my youtube video play in HD?

I made a video using an HD camera (Nikon Rebel), edited the video in Windows Movie Maker for Windows 7, and I added the 1080p in movie maker. Now when I upload it to youtube it doesn't have the option to play in 1080p or 720p! It only plays in 360p. So how can I make it so 1080p is availble to watch on my video?