Nikon SLR Cameras

Should I put my 35mm film in the freezer?


I bought a 4 pack ISO 200 Kodak 24 exposures from a guy who said he put it in the freezer. The expiration date is 3/2011. I'm sure he did freeze it because the box felt a little cold and coming down to room temperature. I shot one roll today and it is getting developed and I will pick it up tomorrow to see how they came out. I'm wondering if I need to put the 3 unused rolls in my freezer. If the pictures I took today came out good I'll probably use the other 3 rolls within a month. Right now I have them in it's original container and box inside a file cabinet so do you think it should be good or I have to freeze them?
I have another question. I'm using a Nikon FM-10 and it was working fine till about the 12th exposure and after that the shutter gets stuck everytime, it goes black in the viewfinder. I have to press a button on the camera that releases/opens it. I had to do that till I finished the film. Why did that happen? I think I wasted a lot of shots I don't know yet because I'm getting it printed. However after I finished the roll of film I rewind it and took it out and the camera works normally, no more stuck shutter.

Added (1). Oh just found out the button that I press to open the viewfinder to not get the black anymore was the dept of view lever.

Added (2). ***dept of field preview lever

Added (3). Ok I won't put it in the freezer, might put it in the fridge but I don't know yet.

Added (4). I know why I got the shutter problem, it's because I put the film in incorrectly and the film ripped at the 13th frame.


NO! Film should be kept in the fridge, not freezer.


Never in a freezer only ever in a fridge, a freezer will turn the water in the gelatine into ice crystals which will destroy the emulsion, a freezer is too cold.

Who gave Taylor the thumbs down?


Your film is already expired. Freezing keeps the chemicals from "spoiling". Keep them in the freezer. Thaw for at least an hour before loading and using.