Nikon SLR Cameras

Photos I took with my film camera didn't came out too good?


I wanted to try out film and got a Nikon FM-10 and a pack of Kodak Gold 200. I took pictures and went to get it developed and printed at a 1 hr photo. All the pictures were exposed correctly and in focus. But on some photos there was a straight line going through it and some white dust/artifact on it. I think the line is normal but what causes the white dots dust looking things? And also what other inexpensive film should I get because I don't really like the color of this kind, it's alright.


A white line means that the base side of the negative has been scratched. (if the line was black, that would mean the the emulsion side of the film had been scratched

It could be that there's a burr on the pressure plate of your camera.

Take the negatives and your camera to a pro or custom lab or an old school camera store. They can tell you right away what the problem is.

White dust looking things on your print, indicates that there's actual dust on the film.


The line isn't normal. It may something scratching your film while in the camera. The dust and artifacts are dust from the light seals that are disintegrating inside the camera. Have the camera cleaned, lubricated and adjusted (CLA) and have the light seals replaced by a knowledgeable technician.

As for film, get ASA 100 for the best colors and shoot under optimum light.