Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

What can Best Buy do to fix my camera?

I have a Nikon S8100 camera that I bought about ten months ago. I have been on vacation this last week and have been using it a lot. This morning it stopped working (wouldn't take a picture). From research on the internet, I believe it is a malfunctioning shutter mechanism. I purchased it at Best Buy and am wondering if I should take in there to see what they can do about it or if I should just take it to a repair shop to get it fixed. Or should I just buy a new camera?
I don't have any extra warranty--just the factory warranty which would still be good. But the factory warranty only covers defects and I don't think it would cover my problem.

3 answers

What's the latest Nikon DSLR Camera?

I just wanted to know what is the latest Nikon DSLR Camera. Cause I was wondering wether to get one.

2 answers
2 answers

Best Compact Digital Camera to Buy?

I'm looking for the best Compact digital camera to buy, but don't know what brand or model to get, Please some suggestions, I'm thinking Nikon, Canon, Samsung looks okay, but need help from a professional that know about camera!

Added (1). G1 X is a good camera but still bulky, I'm looking toward a pocket size fit camera with GREAT Picture, I will be willing to pay upward of $500

Added (2). Great Camera, I will look into the Specs and Galleries and update if it fits me needs

Added (3). Great Camera, I will look into the Specs and Galleries and update if it fits me needs

1 answer

What are some video cameras that would be great for YouTube? More details in info?

My specifications being this:
Must have a display screen that can be flipped forward so you can see yourself while shooting.
Must hold hours of video.
Must have hours of battery life.
Must be under $1, 000.
Must have phenomenal quality videos.
Must not be too heavy.
Wonderful zoom.

I'm looking for a camcorder, but I would consider an SLR camera if it fills all of the requirements. I adore Nikon, but it does not necessarily have to be Nikon.

7 answers

Will Nikon go touch screen?

Canon likes gimiks but nikon has superior image quality. Will nikon enter?

Added (1). John P i asked this on Y! A not nikon website. So i'm asking for there opinions.

Hannah Banana
3 answers
Hannah Banana

Compatibility of film lenses with Nikon slrs?

So I'm fairly sure I will be purchasing either the Nikon 3200 or the Nikon 7000 are either of these or any you know of compatible with my old Pentax film camera lenses? I have a Quantaray 52 mm Macro lens that I would love to get some use out of on a digital camera?

5 answers

What is a great camera with fast shutter speed?

I have a nicer Nikon but the shutter speed on it isn't so great and its pretty big. I want an additional cheaper camera (around 100) to take to concerts or the beach that is not as large so it will fit in my purse and is easier to carry around. My only request is a fast shutter speed with decent pictures of course. Any good ideas?

moon child
8 answers
moon child

Best make for manual SLR camera?

I'm starting an art/ photography course in september and am wondering which make of camera is best. I've a fujifilm point & shoot digital camera which takes great photos but I must get a manual SLR and would like to here peoples opinions on the different makes- nikon, olympus, canon, etc.before i make a choice.
Any helpful comments would be much appreciated.

3 answers

What Video Quality With An 8GB Memory Card?

So i'm going to a Simple Plan concert tomorrow night and i've got a Nikon digital camera with a 8GB memory card. I have to go wit my mum cause of age limit things (which suck) be she's agreed to film it for me, so hopefully she'll film most the concert.

Because i only have a 8GB card i want to hold as much video as i can and in good quality. There's options on the camera which you can select to use and i want to know which one will be good quality but won't fill up my 8GB card for atleast an hour but hopefully close to 2 if possible.

Movie options are:
HD 1080p (1920x1080)
HD 720p (1920x1080)
iFrame 540 (960x540)
VGA (640x480)
HS 240 fps (320x240)
HS 120 fps (640x480)
HS 60 fps (1280x720)
HS 15 fps (1920x1080)

I have no idea what any of this means so i'd really appreciate any advice!