DLSR Camera: What Kind of Lens Comes With It?

I'm looking for a nice camera but I'm actually more concerned with the lens that I get along with it. I'm not planning to buy those really expensive models, for now I'm still choosing for an affordable one from either Nikon or Canon. A few days ago I was using my friend's Canon 550D which was really nice. Then I remembered I used the same camera (from a different friend) but wasn't that nice… And I didn't notice the lens kit.
Do I automatically get a 18-250mm lens when you buy the camera (regardless of brand) or do you have to buy it as an additional item? Thanks!
Added (1). Okay just to elaborate why I also like the 250mm lens kit: I find it hard to adjust focus on the 18mm kit lens that comes along. I'm looking forward to get macro lens as well. In addition to that I don't have enough funds to buy the kit lens then buy the zoom lens separately. I just have one option. I'm also going to buy some books about SLRs so I don't go and experiment blindly.

The kit lens for canon is the 18-55mm f/ 3.5-5.6
the 18-250 would be sold separately, it is a great lens though.
In your case, you could buy the 550D Body ONLY and then just pick up the 18-250mm lens
The 550D is great, I love mine.

The Nikon D3100 ($700) comes with the 18-55 mm VR lens
The Canon 550D ($900) comes with the 18-55 mm IS lens
If you want a different lens, you will have to buy it.
VR is Nikon's in-lens stabilization system
IS is Canon's in-lens stabilization system
Here are the links to both Nikon and Canon lenses.

When buying a dSLR camera, you have the option not to buy the kit lens. You can buy another lens you have in mind or you can use one that you already have. You can buy the body only and the 18-250mm separately at the same time. It's not automatic. Not everybody wants that huge beast of a zoom lens.
The most popular kit lens is the 18-55mm f/3.5-5.5 zoom. It is enough for most shooting conditions but with more and more people coming from super zoom point-and-shoots, this lens doesn't seem to be enough being only a 3X zoom lens.
Most beginners would want the longest zoom lens they could get their hands on instead like the 18-250mm you mentioned. I stress, beginners. You see zoom lenses are the worst type of lens in the dSLR world (next to mirrors). The best lenses are those that don't zoom. Blame Physics on that.

Just buy the body. Don't buy the kit. It's cheaper and you can put that money towards a better lens.

Many stores give you the option to buy a kit with the camera body, 18-55mm lens, and possibly a 55-250mm lens at a discounted price. The 18-55mm lens combined with the 55-250mm lens will give you a much broader range to work with if you only had the 18-55mm lens to begin with.
If you're looking for an additional macro lens, the Canon 50mm f/2.5 macro is among the cheapest sold today: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/...Macro.html
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