Nikon FE 35mm SLR issues, shutter release?

I have a nikon fe, 50mm lens. I just replaced the batteries, to make sure it wasn't the issue. No matter what shutter speed I have it set at, and after cranking the lever (film of course advances) and press the shutter release button, nothing happens. The mirror stays down, and the shutter remains shut. The self timer works, but at the end of it's timing, the shutter still fails to go. If I continually crank the lever, the film continually advances. It seems as though, unlike similar cameras, it doesn't "click" at the end of the cranking. Perhaps something inside is jammed?
If anyone has a similar problem, and/or knows a fix, please post! I will offer you a 200 dollar credit to my custom website business for the first one with a solution.

Problem with shutter release. Bring it to a qualified film SLR technician. It's not an easy fix.