Best settings for basketball pictures?

Hi, i have a Nikon Digital SLR camera that i use to take my schools pictures with, any ideas for the right setting to get a really good picture without being blurry? Iso settings, etc?

First set your cameras white balance to match the lighting in the building.
Second set your cameras ISO to at least 1, 600.
Third make sure the shutter speed is no slower than 1/500th second.
Sample basketball shot using those settings.

Inside, non-flash pictures are really a challenge. You need a combination of good high ISO performance and a fast lens in order to get a shutter speed fast enough to freeze action.
ISO 1600 and above is needed, and many cameras shooting at ISO 1600 need to be used in conjunction with noise reduction software (Noise Ninja, or Lightroom 3.2) as ISO that high introduces noise into the image.
Using a lens that has an aperture as wide as F2.8 helps a lot. A F2.8 lens lets you shoot at a speed twice as fast as an F4 lens, and 4 times as fast as a F5.6 lens. That is, if you are shooting at 1/100 second with an F5.6 aperture, going to F2.8 lets you shoot at 1/400 second and get the same exposure.

Well which Nikon DSLR? What lens?