Nikon SLR Cameras
2 answers

Looking for a DSLR, good value all round?

I'm looking for a digital slr, however it would be my first so should be quite simple. Looking to spend around £400, and would hopefully like a decent make. I've heard Nikon are quite good?
Any help would be appreciated

harjot d
2 answers
harjot d

Where can i browse an extensive range of camera accessories especially Nikon in Delhi?

Was looking for a spare battery purchase for my Nikon P500 and wanted to visit a *REAL* store to get the batteries right away! Any tips?

7 answers

Nikon 200mm vs 300mm camera lense?

Nikon 200mm vs 300mm camera lense?

Danielle Hepburn
3 answers
Danielle Hepburn

How to so this effect on a camera?

I saw my cousin taking this picture of birdhouse, and around the edges there was a swirl effect, and the birdhouse was in focus, and when she took it she would move her hands and camera in some way. I don't know if that makes sense, but basically she did this without editing the picture. She had some big nikon camera.thanks! How do you take a picture witht his effect?

Added (1). I have a nikon rebel XTI

7 answers

Best Nikon lens for photographing coins?

I want to get my boyfriend a good lens for photographing his coins. He has a Nikon and uses the basic lens that came with the camera. My price range is about $150-300. Any suggestions?

Also, if any of you have experience photographing coins, do you have any other suggestions for creating the best photo? The photos are mainly used to post online so he may sell or price his coins.

Jessica Ryder
5 answers
Jessica Ryder

Best digital camera for a non-pro?

I have a budget of around £350 to spend on a GOOD camera. I'm not a photographer, I currently own a standard Samsung 12mp camera and a Sony 14mp camera. I'd like to buy something like the Cannon or Nikon. I have read a lot of reviews and info about DSLR, SLRs etc but not sure what is best for me! I just want a good camera for personal use, I like to capture good photography, mainly of people. Not into sceneries or anything. So what would be the best camera to take a brilliant shot?

8 answers

What starter DSLR camera?

I'm new to photography and looking into buying a DSLR camera. I have roughly a $1000 budget. I've read several articles on them, and between Nikon and Cannon, the cannon seems to be best for starter cameras. I'd like to get the most out of my dollar for accessories and the camera features. Any recommendations from someone with experience on which camera would be best for the money?
These are some I've been looking at, not sure where I'll buy it yet though.

2 answers

Good fisheye lens for Nikon D-50?

Just wondering if any of you could suggest a good fisheye that is compatible with the Nikon D-50

5 answers

What is the cheapest Nikon/Canon Dslr?

I want to know also what is better Nikon or Canon?

3 answers

Best Sports Photography Lens? - 1

I have a nikon 5100

what's a good sports lens for indoor soccer ( plenty of artificial light) and indoor basketball? ( a lot of light)

and of course it can take family photos and portraits well too

i got 600 to spend