Nikon SLR Cameras

Which SLR camera do you suggest?


I want a Nikon or a Canon.
Doesn't have to be really fancy, just want it to take good quality photos.
I want it to take shots at concerts/shows I go to.


I have Nikon D90 and love it.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

A Nikon D3100 is good. But you'll have to buy a fast lens for it. And be aware that manyconcerts / shows don't allow D-SLRs.


Either Nikon or Canon would be good, both make the finest DSLRs in the market. The one camera i'd suggest is the Nikon D3100.It gives terrific shots and excellent full 1080p HD videos. You can't get a better camera for the price according to the features it has. The photo quality will depend partly on your skills too, but the basic lens that comes with it is a very good lens and would be fine for you.

I suggest you read this review to help you in making a decision:

This is the best price i could find for it:

It is true that some concerts don't allow you to take DSLRs in because they are considered semi-professional cameras. So be sure that you confirm if it is allowed or not.

Eric Len
Eric Len

What's fancy, please define it? Good quality photos is something that all DSLRs can do, but it depends on you if you will know how to take them.

Here's a DSLR Buying -


Nikon D3100
Those are all excellent cameras, but this Nikon D3100 is better than all of those in one crucial area, the area that matters: it takes excellent pictures without having to fiddle with the settings between shots. Yes, the other cameras are better in other respects: They have more buttons to change settings without delving into menus, they are bigger (is that a plus?), heavier (another plus?), and have better specs (1/500 flash sync speed for D70 and D40), but in the end I would have to fiddle with the settings to get the best results: change the white balance, fiddle with the ISO (my Canons would default to ISO 400 for flash shots, why? Who knows. That meant disabling auto ISO and choosing ISO settings manually), the exposure (+0.7 indoor, 0 outdoor), and so on. D200 was noisy at higher ISO, D70's pictures tended to be cool (i.e. Not warm), 40D had cool custom buttons (C1, C2, C3, very cool), but I found its ergonomics worse than XSi or any Nikon; why place the on/off
switch at the bottom of the body? Who knows. Fortunately, new Canons have fixed this).


Try hedre for different latest models and price