Nikon SLR Cameras
Bri-bri Cabahug
3 answers
Bri-bri Cabahug

Dead pixel of my photos?

Just want to ask. I have an nikon dslr. I'm wondering why if i zoom my picture zoom like almost 200-300percent. I can see some dead pixel… Is there something wrong with my camera body? Lens? Or what?
please help me. And what should i do to fix this problem? Or it is normal?

4 answers

How long has canon, Pentax and Nikon been making slr cameras?

I'm making my own website for my web design class about slr cameras and i need to find out this information.

4 answers

Which camera brand is better for digital cameras - Nikon or Canon?

Which camera brand is better for digital cameras - Nikon or Canon?

2 answers

Can you get a nikon dslrwith the flip screen that turns 360?

I'm looking for a nikon dslr photos and for filming with but i have to see myself so i need it to turn right round when filming me

Noof Younis
5 answers
Noof Younis

Canon a-1 or Nikon FM3a?

I want to buy a film SLR because they look cool and I think they teach us to be better than we're in photography.
I looked online and i found a Nikon FM3a for $175, and a Canon a-1 for $215
the Nikon comes with only the 35-70mm lens
the Canon comes with 35-105mm and a 50mm(I'm assuming the 50 is f/1.4 or 1.8), a flash, and a bag.
Knowing I'm a Canon 550D and 350D owner, what do you think is a better buy?
I know it might seem a bit too expensive, but i live in Dubai and these where the best i could find.

2 answers

Difference Between Lenses?

Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 APO EX DG HSM OS FLD Large Aperture Telephoto Zoom Lens for Nikon Digital DSLR Camera

Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX DG HSM II Macro Zoom Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras

is it worth it to spend the extra money to buy the $1300?

I will be shooting:

football (100 yard field) at noon(sun) and at night with artificial lights.

Soccer (outdoor field, about 200 feet by 100 feet). The soccer is at night with artificial light

basketball (indoor with full artificial light)

i don't know too much about lenses, but i know i would need a 2.8 with a far zoom like 200 or 300

what should i buy? Should i buy 2 lenses, one far for football and one short for basketball?

I want CLEAR pics with No motion blur and good light

Soccer Video:

Basketball Video:

i shot those vids

Sher H
3 answers
Sher H

What's your favorite compast digital camera from Nikon?

I'm selling my old Sony Cybershot for a new digital camera. But there are so many options that I'm having trouble picking.So, what's your favorite compast digital camera from Nikon?


Added (1). I meant to write "compact" in the title question, not "compast".
I'm looking to stay around $200-300.

2 answers

Why is all the video I take on my camera turning a blue color?

I have a Nikon S6000. Anytime I record video and I watch it on my TV or my computer, the entire color scheme is off and it has a blue tinge to it. People are blue, the sky is a different color, everything about the color is off. When I watch it just on the camera, it's beautiful. Is there some setting on the camera that needs to be changed in order to stop this from happening? I tried changing the TV output from NTSC to PAL and back, and still the video comes out weird. Any hints or tips would be greatly appreciated for those of you who have this camera and know what I'm doing wrong.

1 answer

What do you photographers think of this camera?

I want to get into photography and photo editing and for my first camera I was thinkinkg of getting a Nikon L120. What do you guys think of this camera? Obviously it's not the best, and if I really enjoy photography I will of course upgrade at some point.

1 answer

Is paypal safe through craigslist?

I'm selling a nikon p80 camera on craigslist, I was hoping to do a local pickup deal, there's a person who's interested in purchasing my camera. However she wants to do a paypal transaction… I'm not too familiar with paypal, she wants me to give her my paypal invoice to deposit money? Is it safe to do so? Would this threaten my bank account or anything in any manner?