Nikon SLR Cameras

Who has better cameras, Nikon or Canon?


I want to ask for a nice camera for Christmas and I don't know what kind to get. What would you guys suggest?


Both are good. It mostly depends on what you want to spend.


What kind of camera are you looking for? It makes a big difference if you're looking at a point and shoot camera or a DSLR. Nikon and Canon are as good as each other. The two companies have been competing against each other for decades.

Personally, for a beginning photographer looking to invest in a DSLR, I believe Canon is easier to learn on. It's not that their camera's are less advanced, but the layout if more clear and the functions are easier to use and find on the camera.

Honestly, Nikon and Canon run neck and neck. One of the biggest differences between the two companies is that for the most part, only Nikon brand accessories are compatible with Nikon cameras, whereas Canon allows for interchangeability. This mostly applies to lenses.


They all give the same quality images within the same price class. See my Noise and Resolution comparison. These differences are so small I have to strain to see them with test charts. In the dynamics of the real world they are invisible. I ran those tests, and discovered that whatever differences entertain chat-room participants don't exist.

As you ought to know, I'm just a guy who loves to take pictures and today just happens to have literally millions of people reading this site, which are my personal opinions, each month. I don't get any free gear, money, sponsorships, hats or anything from any camera companies, in spite of what people may think.

These are my opinions. My pals who converted to Canon from Nikon have no problems. They push all the buttons or sail through the menus without even thinking about it. By comparison, I'm a lazy wimp who likes my cameras to get out of my way.

Let me know if I got anything wrong; I'm sure I've missed something.

These are my opinions based on my decades of using Nikon SLRs. As I'm now buying Canon myself out of curiosity I'm learning much more. Since so many smart people shoot Canon I want to learn what I'm missing. For now, here are my observations.

Johnny Martyr
Johnny Martyr

Choosing between Canon and Nikon is just like choosing between Coke and Pepsi, they are of fairly equal quality and fairly equal price so the only real difference is personal taste.

Other brands such as Pentax and Sony make fine DSLR's also.

Just go to several camera stores and play with the ones in your price range, figure out which one(s) make sense to you and feel right.

If one brand were actually demonstrably better than the other, as some idiots here suggest, the other brand would no longer exist.


Both are good, take one that you like, and you might need some reviews on the cameras:


Nikon D3100 is small camera is really good. Photo quality are excellent.
from ISO 100 to ISO 3200.
The guide mode is very good to set the camera to a particular situation.
The camera feels very solid. The autofocus 11 points is fast with the ViewFinder
You feels like a pro.
The results are superior than the D5000 or D90 at 1600ISO and 3200 ISO
The video mode is light. It is not a camcorder. But the video is good.
The sound is mono but I knew that. I didn't buy it for the video mode.