Nikon SLR Cameras

Is paypal safe through craigslist?


I'm selling a nikon p80 camera on craigslist, I was hoping to do a local pickup deal, there's a person who's interested in purchasing my camera. However she wants to do a paypal transaction… I'm not too familiar with paypal, she wants me to give her my paypal invoice to deposit money? Is it safe to do so? Would this threaten my bank account or anything in any manner?

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It's a scam.

They will ask you for your email address so they can "pay" you.

You would then get a very slick email purportedly from Paypal that says the money has been sent, but will not be released to you until you provide proof of shipment. When you sign on to Paypal, you will see no evidence of the money. (The fact you can't see the money is proof that it's a scam.) The scammer is hoping you will ship the item for free before you figure this out.

Go back to the email you were sent. How is the English? I'll bet it's poor. Where does she want it sent? I'll bet it's to her son in Africa. Does she ever call the camera a camera? Most scammers call it "item" because they don't want to waste time customizing emails.