Nikon SLR Cameras
Kingedward Homie
2 answers
Kingedward Homie

Which camera for a beginner?

I was looking at a budget camera for a beginner with a little zoom, but mainly night shots, macro capability and sharp, detailed pictures, I'm looking at nikon p500 and Panasonic Lumix Fz100, which one is better, and also other alternative cameras are welcome.

1 answer

Camera that takes good pictures? (beginner)?

Right now, I just have your average Hitachi digital camera. Nothing special, but I guess it does the job. However, I'm looking for something a bit better, that takes good quality, clear photos but is within the £200 range. It also has to be fairly easy to use. I came across a decent looking Nikon bridge camera in the Argos catalogue but I'm really not sure if it's any good.

2 answers

My face looks plump on camera.any suggestions?

I've got a real good nikon camera
I don't understand this, I look beautiful, but I look totally different on camera… Now everyone has noticed that I look different on camera… I want to look as good I'm in real… Y can't I look the way I look in a mirror… I want a good profile… So please advice…

6 answers

Cheaper good quality camera? More inside?

Like a or anything else.
not looking to spend a lot of money.
doesn't have to be the BEST but better then a normal digital camera.
just give me the name price and where?

3 answers

I have a nikon 105 mm lens is that mean i have macro lens?

I have a nikon 105 mm lens is that mean i have macro lens?

5 answers

Which is better nikon vs canon?

I'm looking to buy a new camera for the price of under $1850 nikon or canon depending which is better

which is better for shooting at night?
which handles noise better?
which has more iso and shutter speed?
which has more lenses for the camera?
which is better with setting?
which has more features?
which is better for shooting for day times?
Which body is better when looking into ergonomics?
which will last if i want to start professional photography?
which has better color?
which preforms better?

could you please give me a brand that has anything close to these and any models that will help me into buying a new camera

5 answers

I want to buy camera

1) i want to buy camera which one is best canon or nikon. My budget is 50, 000 Ruppes that is (1000dollars)
2)some body has told me pictures are good with nikon but video quality is not good same as some body is told me canon is good… So i'm confused which one should i buy…
3) should i go for sony?

4 answers

Not sure if I want a 35mm or 50mm lens?

Not sure if I want a 35mm or 50mm lens for my Nikon dSLR. I know I want a small zoom lens for the best DoF, portraits, nature, and somewhat up-close. I want it to be a small mm. Which do you think is better?

4 answers

Can I buy a small camera with the features of a large one?

I'm just starting my research on buying a new camera. I want one of those big SLR cameras but I take my camera everywhere with me and those are too big and bulky for me. I want a small camera with big camera features. I'd like to stick with a nikon or cannon because I'm told they're the best and price isn't a huge factor.

4 answers

Any suggestions for a camera?

Hi, I need a camera with good quality preferably Canon, Nikon or Kodak. It needs to be in a price range around 100-300, nothing more. It also needs to have good quality for video.