Nikon SLR Cameras
1 answer

How much roughly the cheapest Nikon SLR in Dubai?

Going to Dubai end of this month and planning to buy a Nikon SLR. Is it cheaper there than here in the UK? How much roughtly the price?

22 answers

What is something you want really badly?

I want the Nikon 1 (camera) so badly…

Added (1). Sun rise, thanks so much friend.

4 answers

Which lens, Sigma 17-50mm f/2.8 vs Nikon 16-85mm f/3.5-5.6G?

Which of these lenses do you think is better? From examples I have seen the Nikon seems to take much richer, more accurate pictures with better color detail. While it does have a wider zoom range as well that is not one of my considerations.

But the sigma is still very good picture quality with a wider max aperture for blown-out backgrounds. It should be noted that the sigma also seems to over-emphasize yellow colors though.

They both cost the same price ATM. I won't be getting it soon, just thinking ahead for when I feel I need a better lens.

Added (1). Mind specifying how the constant 2.8 is a bad thing? That is just the minimum, it can be set higher.f/3.5-5.6 mean that at various focal lengths the minimum is different.Am I missing something?

Added (2). The glass affects color. I'm sure the body has an affect on color, but so does the lens.

"The front element is critical to the performance of the whole assembly. In all modern lenses the surface is coated to reduce abrasion, flare, and surface reflectance, and to adjust color balance. To minimize aberration, the curvature is usually set so that the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction are equal. In a prime lens this is easy, but in a zoom there's always a compromise." -Wikipedia

Added (3). Also I don't know why people down rated Krzy, looking at the reviews he seems to be right. The Sigma has generally positive reviews but more flawed units people received. Granted that doesn't make my decision any easier.

Added (4). And may as well comment on Taylor's answer since I already did for everyone else. The color quality is the main reason I'm seeing not to get the sigma since a higher aperture is very useful, yet you seem to be implying I should get the Nikon.

Maybe I'll just look for somewhere to rent both and compare.

2 answers

An image stabilization on a Nikon S 6100?

I recently bought the camera mentioned above and can't seem to take photos of anything moving, even a little bit. I would like to know if there's a "sports mode" and if so how to get to it.

6 answers

Looking to buy a cheap digital camera, what brand is better?

Out of Olympus, Nikon, Lumix or even Sony?

3 answers

Best used 35mm SLR AF Camera?

I'm looking to buy a used camera off Ebay. I'm unsure of what I should get. I have a Canon AE-1 and I love it, but I'm looking to get a more modern camera. Since they no longer make new film cameras I have to buy a used one. I'm not picky on which of the brands Nikon or Canon. I would like it to be a good camera that is auto-focus. I have spent some time looking and am getting overwhelmed with the options. I do not know the differences between all the models such as Canon's rebels and elans. I'm just looking for a little help as to what to look for and what is a great all around camera that will not break the bank. Most of the ones I have seen are 50 bucks or less, but even in that price range there are a few dozen different models. Any help with what to look for and the differences between the different models would be appreciated.

4 answers

Broke my Lens within 30 days, can I return / exchange it?

So I had an unfortunate fall that caused the lens on my nikon camera to fly off. Just realized though that I'm still within the 30 day return policy. Does anyone know if I can return it in this condition? Has anyone tried this before?

Vender: N ewegg

Added (1). Note: I'm aware its very unlikely, I'm just merely asking to see if anyone has tried it and succeed at some point lol

k to the izzle
6 answers
k to the izzle

How to fix a jammed camera lense on a point and shoot nikon?

I dropped it but I have to fix it someone hy myself

Linux Nerd
2 answers
Linux Nerd

What is the most practical portable device and why?

I travel a lot (12 hour flights sometimes). My carry on bag is too heavy. I need to consolidate my devices that I have purchased over the last 10 years or so.

I have a Nikon camera, android tablet, MP3 player, Nintendo DS, compact DVD player, GPS, two net-books, and so on. No I do not take all my devices with me on all trips. And if you want to know why two net-books. One is Linux and the other is Windows. Yes, I'm a MAJOR GEEK!

My 7" android tablet is too small for anything but angry birds, Suduku and reading. At the airport I listen to Pandora. In bed sometimes I watch TV or surf the net. My girlfriend downloads books on it.

The nintendo and my DVD player, and my Dell Juke box are antiquated. I will soon retire them.

The iPhone is impractical. I never text, and I do not want to have e-mail with me 24/7 anyway. Besides the screen is too small.

I'm thinking that a Galaxy (Android) tablet, or the iPad are the best Solution. Either way the cost is about $500. I have no experience with the Galaxy. I have played with the iPad. It performs much better than my 7" Android tablet.

What would you suggest, and why? How about picture quality? Yes, I know, I should keep the camera.

Aisha Arch
2 answers
Aisha Arch

Nikon DSLR and HDR photography?

I'm looking for a Nikon DSLR camera that will do bracketing. Are there ones that will combine them for you or do you have to use a program to combine them. Which models do this?