Nikon SLR Cameras

Is the Nikon 1 J1 really worth it?


I'm planning on buying a new camera. All the ones i've previously bought have poor quality pictures, but mainly bad focus.Id really like a nice one, that works, and won't die in a year or two. But is the Nikon 1 J1 more for professionals? If so, could someone tell me what camera i should get? Another one i kind of liked, was the powershot/touchscreen one… But i don't know! Some1 Help.


It should be a very good camera. Is it the best choice? There are advantages and disadvantages. It should be capable of outperforming small-sensor cameras, and it is less heavy and bulky than a DSLR. Sony, Olympus, Samsung, and Panasonic have competing models.
Here are some reviews:

Jim A
Jim A

No, it's not worth it.

This is an EVIL camera - Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lenses. Really what EVIL cameras are is over rated, glorified, way, way over priced point and shoot pocket toys that change lenses.
Fact is, they don't even have a view finder - just that lousy screen.

For that money, and if you want a real camera, look for a dslr.


Nikon 1s are not made for professionals, they're made for beginners. Professional cameras cost more than 3 grand, not including lenses.

Crim Liar
Crim Liar

I'm not a fan of this type of camera, by the time you add on a lens or two you are saving very little on space.

It may also be worth noting that the Nikon J1's have only recently launched but are already being heavily discounted here in the UK. If you do go for a compact system camera the market leading brands are Sony and Olympus. If you stretch it further regards to which mount system is most popular that's so not clear, but between Sony's NEX E-Mount and the micro 4/3's used on Olympus and others these two are likely to account for more than 95% of their market sector.


Maybe your camera phone is bbetrr

Sound Labs
Sound Labs

The one series performs better than compacts, and the glass is better, but it's overpriced. If you want a compact body, and the best image quality, get the Sony NEXC3, the image quality is better than anything else in the same price range, not my opinion, it's a fact. Even better is the NEX 5N about the same price as the J1.

Also good are any of the micro four thirds cameras from olympus and Panasonic. I really like the look of the J1 in white, with a white lens. I was considering it for a nice compact carry everywhere camera when I don't feel like lugging around my dSLR. But when I saw the image quality and the image sensor scores at DXOmark, that was the end of the J1 for me. If the J1 was 349 bucks, it would be a sweet little deal, but for 600-650 US dollars, the performance isn't there.

All of the cameras I've mentioned are not professional in any way shape or form. So it might be a good idea to drop that word when asking for help, people will only get confused by it. There isn't even a clear line on when something becomes 'pro' because even working photographers can sometimes argue about that.

But in general, the line starts somewhere around the Nikon D700, Canon 5D mark II and the Sony Alpha A900. The cheapest camera in the bunch starts at around 2 thousand US dollars. Cameras that are pro and nobody would disagree are 5-6 thousand US dollars, body only.