Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon 1 reviews please?


Can someone give me a review of the Nikon 1? I need something for both day to day photgraphy and something a little more arty, would this be a good camera for that kind of thing?


Here is one done by a professional camera review site.

The Nikon 1 camera system is new, in that it fits between the sensor size of a P&S and cropped frame dSLR.

It is a camera for those who want to be able to slip the camera and two lenses into a briefcase or purse and not be weighted down by a full size dSLR, but limited by the preprogramed settings on a P&S camera.

Only time will tell if this camera fills a niche and is widely accepted by people who travel a lot, but do not want or need the bulky dSLR cameras and lenses, yet want to have a camera that is fully adjustable and uses interchangeable lenses.

Jim A
Jim A

This is an EVIL camera and for my money they are way over priced, over rated pocket toy point and shoot cameras that don't even have a view finder.

I agree with David. Full adjustable, actually looking through the lens to see what I'm getting is the only way to go. Besides, these EVIL cameras are priced higher than many excellent dslr cameras but don't have the capabilities or the lens quality.


A simple web search for 'nikon 1 j1' reviews yielded 1, 030, 000 results.

A simple web search gor 'nikon 1 v1' reviews yielded 3, 250, 000 results.


This review is based on independent labs tests comparing the Nikon 1 to DSLRs and a high performance compact camera