Nikon SLR Cameras

What kind of camera is the nikon j1?

Blindanese Beauty
Blindanese Beauty

Like is a it just a really advanced digital camera or something else? If its nothing like a digital camera I might not buy it.

Added (1). To the second comment, I've already looked there and they never gave me any help and I was so confused so I came here to see if anyone knew.

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

It's a point and shoot with an interchangeable lens system. Will it perform better than a conventional point and shoot? Yes
will it perform as well as other mirrorless cameras such as the Sony NEX series cameras? No.

in my opinion, it's an overpriced gimmick. For the same price you can get an actual DSLR camera that out-performs the j1 easily.


No help from the Nikon website or google?

Here, let me find the page on the nikon website for you:


Here are the specs for the nikon j1:


Type Advanced Camera with Interchangeable Lenses
Lens Mount Nikon 1 mount
Picture Angle Approx. 2.7x lens focal length (Nikon CX format)
Effective Pixels 10.1 million
Sensor Size 13.2mm x 8.8mm
Image Sensor Format CX
Image Sensor Type CMOS
Total Pixels 12 million
Image Area (pixels) Still Images (3:2 aspect ratio)
3, 872 x 2, 592
2, 896 x 1, 944
1, 936 x 1, 296
Smart Photo Selector (3:2 aspect ratio)
3, 872 x 2, 592
2, 896 x 1, 944
1, 936 x 1, 296
Movie Mode (16:9 aspect ratio)
3, 840 x 2, 160 (1080/60i)
1, 920 x 1, 080 (1080/30p)
1, 280 x 720 (720/60p)
Motion Snapshot (16:9 aspect ratio)
3, 840 x 2, 160


A bad one.

A number of firms have developed cameras in this class, too big to be compact, not as sophisticated as SLRs - as if giving them interchangeable lenses is a magic formula.

The Nikon loses out because it has a small sensor, even compared to other cameras in its class.

In short, Nikon f***ed up royally.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

It's what they call a " EVIL " camera… Electronic viewfinder interchangeable lens…
I see it as an way over priced advanced point & shoot camera that has a lens that you can change.
It is a digital camera, just not one that' worth the cost. It doesn't have a viewfinder you can look through, or a hotshoe for a flash.
You'd be better off with a Nikon D3100 which sells for the same price.