Nikon SLR Cameras
4 answers

What laptop is good for Photography?

I'm possibly kind of looking to get a laptop that is a stylish one, good for editing photos, fast, and not like $1000! I'm looking at probably spending around $500 at the most? MAYBE alittle more if I can't find one. So know of any that would be good? Oh I'm also looking at a Nikon Camera. So one that is compatible and good with that.

4 answers

Difference between cameras like Sony NEX-F3, and DSLRs by canon and nikon?

I know the Sony NEX-F3 is less bulky in a sense, but it's still called a DSLR? While it does have Aperture priority (A), Shutter priority (S), Manual (M) modes, and other features (like being lightweight, easy for camwhoring, or having many filters) that makes it popular, why is it that the other DSLRs by canon and nikon surpass the Sony camera? What advantages do these cameras have?
Kinda curious since I don't really know the difference and advantages of having the nikon and camera DSLRs…
Would help if you compared it to entry level DSLRs like the 550D and 600D for canon, and not the more semi pro kind.

Joseph Timothy
1 answer
Joseph Timothy

Is it necessary to have a sound trigger on high speed photography?

Is it necessary to have a sound trigger while doing a high speed photography? And what is the sound trigger for? And lastly, is 1/4000 second enough to do a high speed photography? BTW, my dslr is nikon 3100…

Added (1). And lastly( i swear this is the last), what mode should I use while doing a high speed photography, is it the S(for shutter speed) mode or manual?

Added (2). And this is for next week Tuesday.

3 answers

Hey there. I'm shooting a wedding reception tomorrow.any advice?

I'm 10 months experienced. I will be using a Nikon 5100. I'm used to and very very comfortable with that camera. (In fact so much I bought that camera I bought it as my first Dslr.)

The lady-my former teacher- that hired me wants me to get the important Moments -first dance, etc- and I'm nervous.

Any advice? I'm assuming it will be darkish /dance club mood. Flash? The camera only has one lens: a 18mm to 55mm.

My experience is mostly photojournalistic. I'm 18 and this is a paid job with food benefits.

Added (1). Haha sorry sorry I should of mentiones she hired a pro photographer. I'm just doing it for the experience. So she can take my work or leave it. Whatever.

4 answers

How to a photograph a toddler who doesn't want to be photographed?

I'm doing a photographing 4 kids and one of the toddlers doesn't like getting her picture taken for some unknown reason. Do you have any ideas of how I can get her to pose for the camera. I was think I could do a made up story/game like " this is the ghost of Nikon and when he is scared of teeth so when he appears you have to stop and show him your teeth". Or something really silly like that, that would get all the kids to pose. I was also going to do a Simon says game. Any ideas would be appreciated.

1 answer

Is the Sony cyber shot 14.1 megapixel camera good?

I'm thinking about getting one for my fiancée because she loves scrap booking and I wanted to get her a good clear picture taking camera that's not as expensive as a Nikon but just as good… Are the pictures on this camera good? And do they print off good at wal mart? That's where she will be printing them off at…

8 answers

Which one Nikon or Canon?

I really want to buy a professional since i really love photography as a hobby though and need a new camera though i'm stuck in between Nikon and Canon as for models not to sure yet but which is better? Not sure if you can really compare them both but still which one?

5 answers

What camera brand is better, Nikon or Cannon?

I want to buy one of those professional cameras with video, but my dad says its better if we just get one for pictures. He says Cannon, my friends say Nikon

my budget is $800 but i want i to be a good camera

To be honest i do know much about cameras,
So which is better Nikon or Cannon?
is it better to get a video and a picture camera or just picture?
can you name a few good cameras?
and what can i look for in a camera for it to be considered "a good camera"

5 answers

I want to get a good camera?

I'm looking to buy a good camera, like a Nikon or anything. I was wondering what are some good cameras, with decent prices.

Sandra Celedon
2 answers
Sandra Celedon

What's better Nikon or Olympus compact cameras?

I'm trying to decide on getting either the Nikon 1 J1 or the Olympus PEN E-PL3 but i don't know which is better. I'm going on a trip soon and i want to take videos as well great pictures. Any recommendations?