Difference between cameras like Sony NEX-F3, and DSLRs by canon and nikon?

I know the Sony NEX-F3 is less bulky in a sense, but it's still called a DSLR? While it does have Aperture priority (A), Shutter priority (S), Manual (M) modes, and other features (like being lightweight, easy for camwhoring, or having many filters) that makes it popular, why is it that the other DSLRs by canon and nikon surpass the Sony camera? What advantages do these cameras have?
Kinda curious since I don't really know the difference and advantages of having the nikon and camera DSLRs…
Would help if you compared it to entry level DSLRs like the 550D and 600D for canon, and not the more semi pro kind.

DSLRs are SLRs modified for digtal - they're also made by Pentax and Olympus, while Sony use a slightly different technology.
If you google, 'SLR camera,' you can work out for yourself why this is the finest viewfinder system ever made, and why they're superior to EVIL cameras like the NEX.

No, the Sony NEX-F3 is not a DSLR, Digital Single Lens Reflex. It is an ILC, Interchangeable Lens Camera.
Sony, in addition to the NEX series, has a line of DSLR's, the Alpha series. They compete with the Nikon and Canon lines of DSLR's. These and other brand DSLR's are quite excellent and very competitive.
As for why the DSLR's are superior to the ILC's: first you need to understand that the NEX series has the same size sensor as the entry level DSLR's, which puts them on a par with the DSLR's. Next is the optics: the optics of the DSLR's are superior and more varied than the NEX series. Superiority is due to several reasons, one of which is plain old size. Varied is due to the fact that the market supports the manufacturer presenting more lenses and then 3rd parties get their lenses on the market too.
Here is the NEX-F3 compared to an entry level Nikon, the D5100.

It's NOT a DSLR.
It's an Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens (EVIL) camera. That's why true DSLR's will surpass it.
A true DSLR will still have a larger sensor, less shutter lag, a hotshoe, ability to take filters, no limited apertures and a greater range of lenses.

The NEX (and MicroFourThirds, Pentax Q, Nikon 1, Samsung NX, etc), all are not SLR cameras because they lack a reflex viewfinder (i.e.a viewfinder which works by using a mirror to redirect light coming through the lens). The mirrorless camera in the NEX form does mean you are relying totally on the screen to operate the camera, wheras any entry level DSLR uses a optical through-the-lens viewfinder which gives you what your sensor sees, and works in all conditions.
Another big advantage of having a mirror is the ability to use dedicated Phase Detection Autofocus sensors, this type of autofocus is much faster than Contrast AF (which works using the main sensor AF). This means that the current range of CSC cameras all struggle with AF speed.
An entry level DSLR is still a fair bit larger, and as a result they can spread out the button layout and have more buttons on the whole, this allows for a more direct approach to operating the camera. Unlike on a compact system camera (CSC) which is crammed into a small space and reliant on a menu system for operation of anything other than basic functions. So yes a NEX may have PASM modes, but they're not as intuitive to operate.
You have requested that I leave out anything more than a Canon Rebel Series camera, however I think it is important to remind you that for the same price as a 550D, or 600D you could buy a second hand Canon 5D, now this suddenly is a different league, as you're talking full frame sensor, and superb build quality. Why do I say this? Well the 5D isn't big and it isn't heavy and works really well with my prime lenses, the same prime lenses that I can use with my 1Ds mark II, which also has a full frame sensor. My point is if I have a 550D/600D or a 5D, I can use this as a low profile camera, without having to spend more money on a separate lens system to my 1Ds.
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