Nikon SLR Cameras
1 answer

Is a Nikon J1 or V1 worth it?

I'm going to be a photographer! What camera is worth it? A Nikon j1 or v1? Do they have good or bad quality?

1 answer

What is a great camera for outdoor photography and close ups?

Hi, i'm just wondering what camera would professional photographers and people in photography recommend for outdoor photography and close ups. I'm more of a Nikon fan, just cause i know how to use it more, so can i get some recommendations for Nikon cameras.

Zi Yang Lai
5 answers
Zi Yang Lai

Is there any film cameras still in production?

Is there any film cameras still in production by Nikon, Canon or Leica except the F9, 1v and M7?

Sunny Girl
5 answers
Sunny Girl

What is the difference between an IS camera lens & a VR camera lens?

I have found that cannon uses is & nikon uses vr. But what's the difference?

Sunny Girl
6 answers
Sunny Girl

Nikon or Cannon (camera brand)?

Which brand is better?

Added (1). Sorry I spelled it wrong. It's Canon. Not Cannon.
Lol, you know what I mean

Added (2). Wow. What a big group of immature people. Most of you who answered didn't even answer my question, but criticized me for misspelling Canon. I'm sorry-- I'm new at photography. Just looking for a way to put someone down I guess. I get it, it's alright. I just let it roll of my shoulder. And some of you who made fun of me for spelling it "cannon" instead of "canon" proceeded to type me up a complete paragraph on the history of war cannons and various uses for them. That's pretty immature, because that had nothing to do with my question. And that's sad because I was asking this question to professional camera users & photographers, hoping to get some advice for a beginner teenager photographer. Instead I got a bunch of crud feedback for doing something so simple as making a mistake and misspelling a word. Wow just wow. That's all I have to say. Thanks a lot for your feedback. Lots of people answered, yet I'm still left sitting here wonde

Shan S
3 answers
Shan S

To select a DSLR Camera?

Am a beginner in photography and later i want to be a professional fotographer. So for a beginner which camera is best Nikon or Canon. From these which one is best camera for me Nikon D 3100, 5100, 3200, 90, 5000, 7000 or Canon d 1100, 550 d, 600d, 60 d, 650, rebel… Which one is best?

7 answers

How small do lenses get? (ex- 50mm 1.8)?

My nikon AF 50mm 1.8 is pretty small for a lens ( Its the smallest lens I've ever seen, but I'm new to photography.

So my question is - how many other small lenses are out there? For Nikon or Canon. I think its nice to have things small and compact. I know that the more important aspect is image quality, etc but right now I'm just curious about size.

oh and btw, no lens converters!

4 answers

Turn off flash for Canon 600D in macro mode?

How to turn off flash when i'm in the macro mode? In other modes as well… Turning on flash just ruins some pic… And don't tell me to use other modes. Is there anyway we can turn off flash in other modes? Hhomework about 550D and Nikon DSLR's as well?

Zi Yang Lai
5 answers
Zi Yang Lai

What's the crop factor for Canon and Nikon?

Surprisingly, I couldn't find an answer on Google…

I know that it's somewhere between 1.5 and 1.6 but which is Nikon's crop factor?
Is Nikon's DX sensor bigger than Canon's?

4 answers

What lens do I need for nikon camera for?

I need a lens that shoots a person from head to toe close up. I've been doing research and people have suggested the 35mm or 50mm 1.4f. What's the difference between 50mm 1.4 and 1.8? Should I get any of these lenses for what I need?