Nikon SLR Cameras

I want to get a good camera?


I'm looking to buy a good camera, like a Nikon or anything. I was wondering what are some good cameras, with decent prices.


The Canon Rebel t3!
it's a great camera,
I got mine for around 400 dollars.
just google it, there will be many different prices in different places.


Canon and Leica are overpriced (even though they're probably the highest quality)
Nikon is overrated unless you get a D800 (that's like a $3000 SLR professional camera though)
Polaroid sucks
Olympus sucks
Pentax is pretty nice so check them out-->
Fujifilm makes cheapy, high performance cameras-->
Kodak is AWFUL
But if you want a Really nice camera that will Really impress people, you gotta go with a
Sony NEX --->

My favorite, the Sony Alpha NEX-7-->


It depends on what you want it for. I have the Kodak easy share M552 and it works fine for little pictures not professional ones though and it was $100. Hope this helped.


If you want a good, high quality camera they aren't going to necessarily be in a "decent" price range. I don't know what that range is for you personally.

I suggest the Canon EOS series. I constantly use 550D and 600D for gig photography and it works the way I want it to wonderfully. Incredible image quality, a lot of options to work with and beautiful images.

Vintage Music
Vintage Music

How much ya spending?