Nikon SLR Cameras

How to a photograph a toddler who doesn't want to be photographed?


I'm doing a photographing 4 kids and one of the toddlers doesn't like getting her picture taken for some unknown reason. Do you have any ideas of how I can get her to pose for the camera. I was think I could do a made up story/game like " this is the ghost of Nikon and when he is scared of teeth so when he appears you have to stop and show him your teeth". Or something really silly like that, that would get all the kids to pose. I was also going to do a Simon says game. Any ideas would be appreciated.


Honestly, when I do a shoot with kids (especially ones who don't like there pictures taken) I just start taking a bunch of shots of whatever the kid is doing. IF he/she is playing or talking to someone or even if there back is turned I shoot them, and I always end up with some good action/smiling shots eventually. When they see that your just gonna keep taking pictures of them you can usually catch them off guard.
I personally think that in action smiling pictures are ten times better than any posed ones.

Lurid Syren
Lurid Syren

Oh Goodness! Youre going about this all wrong. Get the toddler to play, bring her somewhere like a playground or wherever she likes to play. In order to get a good photo, it has to look somewhat natural. No one will be happy with the photos if you can tell she's extreamly unhappy and uncomfortable. It takes about 20 minutes for someone to get used to a camera in their face. So spend some time getting to know her and her family. You need to have them all playing and having fun, those are the best photos. Yes formal photos look nice but if you don't let the kid be a kid what's the use in taking their photo. You want them to look happy. Just follow them around when they are playing. You can't make a kid like something, but if you make yourself less scary, and let them get used to everything your pretty much PROMISED good shots. Don't be shy about letting them play and have fun.


Get a dirt cheap small digital csamera so the kid can take pictures of you and their surroundings. Perhaps after a few minutes seeing their own results they might tell you what they don't like about being the subject of a picture.

Brittany S
Brittany S

I think she don't like the flash of the camera. There's some toddlers are like that. It's easier to take picture somewhere where it doesn't require flash like outside. You can try to get her to sat her favorite word beside "Cheese" while taking a picture.
make funny faces
put favorite toy next to camera