Nikon SLR Cameras

What camera brand is better, Nikon or Cannon?


I want to buy one of those professional cameras with video, but my dad says its better if we just get one for pictures. He says Cannon, my friends say Nikon

my budget is $800 but i want i to be a good camera

To be honest i do know much about cameras,
So which is better Nikon or Cannon?
is it better to get a video and a picture camera or just picture?
can you name a few good cameras?
and what can i look for in a camera for it to be considered "a good camera"


Obviously you don't know much - you only know two brands and can't spell one of them.

This question is asked a dozen times a day, but everyone who asks it thinks they invented it.

Professional cameras start at $4000 - body only and work upwards.

Affordable DSLRs in your price range are made by Pentax (making SLRs while the two you mentioned were knocking off German rangefinders), Olympus (a pillar of the amateur market for decades) and Sony (successors to Minolta who built the first multimode SLR and the first successful autofocus SLR).

You therefore have five manufacturers with no discernible difference between them (except Olympus are smaller and Sony do better video), and you have to make your own choice.


It is Canon - not Cannon

Nikon - Canon?
Canon - Nikon?
Coke - Pepsi?
Pepsi - Coke?
Honda - VW?
VW - Honda?

Get the idea? Doesn't matter. Get the one you like best. Each one is just as good as the other.


You should decide what you want to do; video or still photography.

Nikon and Canon are both excellent, and either one will do what you need. If you have friends with one or the other, get that brand so they can help you and possibly loan you their lenses. If not, handle both in a store and buy the one that fits your hands better, because you'll be using the controls all the time.


"To Be Honest I do know much about cameras?" you would not be asking about camera these camera questions if you truly know about cameras and also know the correct spelling about "Cannon" The Correct spelling is Canon

Definition on what Cannon means
(1) A large mounted piece of artillery
(2) A large, heavy gun formerly used in warfare
(3) An automatic gun on an aircraft
(4) An automatic heavy gun that fires shells from an aircraft or tank
(5) A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellants to launch a projectile. Cannon very in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower, different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees, depending on their intended use on the battlefield.

Plus your budget of $800 comes no where near on what a "Professional Camera" actually cost because a "Professional Camera" starts around $4000 that's just for the "Body Only". Then you have to consider on getting Lenses, Accessories. So otherwise clearly you Don't have the Knowledge about Cameras to begin With.

You should also know that it comes down to Personal Preference because some may like how Nikon feels in their hands or how the layout of the Nikon Cameras are. Vice Verse on Canon Cameras.

Nikon fans would be saying to get Nikon. Same thing with Canon Fans where they would be saying to get Canon.

So otherwise it all comes down to personal preference.



Professional cameras cost more than $4, 000 not including lenses and other accessories.

What you're interested in is called an "entry-level DSLR."

The Nikon D3200 is a good entry-level model.

BUT, if you'll mainly be recording videos, buy an actual camcorder such as the Vixia HF R300.