Are Canon cameras good for photography?

Not like, a little digital one to take pics at the beach with friends, but like a really nice big one… Canon or Nikon? Because I've heard Nikons are over-rated.
Added (1). Well, thanks to the people who answered my question. And to the people who said I was buying one as neck jewelry and my question was stupid, eff you thats rude.

Nikon's being over rated. That is funny. It seems that many Canon users have an emotional attachment to their camera brand of choice. Nikon owners just use their cameras as the tools that they are.
Both Nikon and Canon cameras are the ones the pros use.
In the end, it really does not matter. The images produce by Nikon and Canon cameras are only as good as the shooter.
NO skills? Expect high resolution snap shots.
At this time, Nikon has the best low noise at high ISO of any cameras
Look at this site and see where the Nikon's and Canon's sensor performance rate head to head

Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer. It makes you a Nikon owner.

Nikon where never any better or worse than canon.
Nikon has be used as neck jewellery by the wannabe Professional
Photographer mainly be cause of hype and they give equipment to well know photographers for advertising purposes.
Canon never really felt the need to do so.
I use both and find no discernible difference in the quality of the end product and that goes for both the old film cameras and digital Models of to day.
Photo snobs tend to lean to nikon.
But that's snobs for you who fall hook line and sinker for hype!
Incidentally its not the manufacturer or name of the Camera that takes a good picture but the person behind the camera that really counts!
A good photographer can take a cheap camera if the lens is of reasonable quality and it does not have to be Top quality then they will take a far better photo than the person wearing a nikon or canon necklace around their neck!

A little digital you take to the beach is just fine in the hands of a skilled and creative photographer. Worrying too much about the camera is like the writer worrying about what kind of computer will make her a better writer. Canon SLR is fine. Nikon is SLR fine. Either is a good investment, buy the one you like. But don't give up on your point and shoot. One thing that they can do that an SLR can't is take photos in total silence - and that can come in handy.

No of course they aren't. That is why no one ever uses them!
SHeesh… This has got to rank up there with the top stupid questions this week so far.

In all honesty comparing Canon and Nikon is like comparing Nike to Adidas. Both makes will have similar items with similar details and even a similar price. Of both makes some will have products that are better than their competition and some will have models that are worse than the competition.
Overall if you're looking for a camera and you ultimately come down to choosing between Canon and Nikon and you become worried that you don't know which ones the best, then rest assured their both equally as good as the other. You should spend more time looking at a camera model you may be interested in a doing some research.
If you're looking for a digital camera then you will first want to choose between if you're going to get a point and shoot camera or if you're going to get a DSLR camera. A point and shoot camera is one that fits in your pocket and you can pull it out and take snap shots. A DSLR on the other hand allows you to learn about photography and produce amazing quality images.

I actually looked the similar question several days before.while trying to find the solution i fund this great cameras check them out