Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

Which has a better DSLR for beginners?

Nikon or Canon?
I don't have too much experience in photography, I'm kind of just getting started & I'd really like to get into it.
I have used a Canon T50 (uses 35 mm film) recently & I really enjoyed it, it wasn't too difficult to use & find my way around. However, I'd really like to get a DSLR, mostly to get rid of the whole cost of developing the film & the issue of not being able to see the picture you just took until the film is developed.
I'd just like to get some input on which brand has a better camera for people just starting out.

3 answers

Nikon DSLR or Canon DSLR-which one is better?

I'm looking through some used DSLRs to upgrade from my point-and-shoot. I hope to get serious about photography, but I'm young enough that I have a few years to go before I actually can. Which camera would you recommend for me? A Nikon or a Canon? What are the pros/cons of both?

7 answers

I'm looking to buy my first DSLR Camera?

I need to know what the best choice would be for me to buy? Nikon… Canon… Or some other brand. I will be a senior in high school planning to major in photography when I further my education in the next few years. Any advice?

4 answers

Which camera to get? Sony A55, A700, or A560?

I currently have a Sony a230. For the past few months I've been taking photos for people (at a low price considering the camera I'm working with). No judging or rude comments on that please. I'd like to upgrade my equipment. I have around $700 to spend on a used camera. Video isn't important to me. I'm wanting something with better low light capabilities, faster fps, and higher resolution. Which Sony camera would be best. I've looked at all the specs for each camera, but I'm asking for advice based on experience with the cameras.

Please don't suggest I get a Nikon or Canon because that's not going to happen.

Sara Jonas
1 answer
Sara Jonas

Settings for Holga Lens for Nikon?

I've just received my Holga Lens HL-N for Nikon DSLR Lomo but I still can't seem to figure out the settings for it. The pictures are too dark:-( Can someone help me please?

8 answers

I'm trying to buy a pretty nice camera for photography between $500-$1000?

I'm going on vacation at Glacier National Park and I'm trying to buy a nice camera for photography. I would like it to be a digital SLR camera and I'm not sure whether to chose Nikon or Canon. What would be a good camera for my money, and what extra lenses would I need to buy?

3 answers

Cheapest Slr Camera?

I Want A Slr Camera, Either Nikon Or Canon What Is The Cheapest One? My budget Is Nomore Than $280.

Its me again
4 answers
Its me again

Looking for a Point and Shoot Camera that is vertically appleasing?

I'm Looking for a Point and Shoot Camera that also has long focus or compressed focal length (normal to compressed distortion)? Is there a camera like that on the market? Perferribly Nikon or Canon. Most point and shoot cameras have really bad distorted wide range making everything wide and scary. I want pictures to be more vertically appleasing. I'm looking for an everyday camera that is slim and small to fit in a pocket. The most I want to spend is $225 (I know don't laugh)

Added (1). Vertically appealing, sorry for the confusion, meaning, people or things don't look wide (horizontally) or stretched out horizontally. For example, I own a sony, and everytime I take pictures with it, every single person looks heavy, and objects look stretched out. Is there a camera that takes pictures as true as our eye sees? When my friend uses her canon, people look their size, and the objects look normal, but her camera is discontinued. I'm looking for 35mm equalient with a compressed or a long focus feature. This explains the basics:, scroll down to the pink waterbottles, notice that the 18mm camera lense captures a very distorted figure, as the 55 mm, even though zoomed in, looks very appealing compared to others.

2 answers

Nikon viewNX 2 raw file converting

I shot raw+jpeg pics and in viewNX2 the raw file is alot sharper. But then when i save as jpeg it loses all its extra sharpness it had. Why is this?
I saved at highest quality and kept all camera info

Added (1). I had in camera JPEGs set to all the highest settings then the same for when i converted/saved the raw files to jpeg

3 answers

Color Management with Nikon DSLR, Capture NX2, and Photoshop CS (x)?

First, if you don't know when and why you would disable color management on your professional color printer, and if you don't edit RAW images, you won't know the answer to this problem. I shoot with an upper end Nikon DSLR in RAW 14 bit mode. I do set the color space to Adobe RGB (never sRGB), even though I believe color space is ignored when saving an NEF RAW image. I never shoot JPEGs. I always save in RAW mode as well after editing RAW images with Nikon Capture NX2. I want to also work my images in Photoshop CS4 using Pro Photo RGB color space. I KNOW to set my printer to allow Photoshop to control the color space, and not the printer. What color space settings should I use for Capture NX2 and Photoshop in order to get the highest quality color. Should I limit Photoshop to Adobe RGB (1998). Ah needs sum hep!

Added (1). I have an Epxon Stylus Pro 3880 printer and yes I've calibrated my monitor using ColorMunki Photo, complete with colorimeter. I also have profiled my printer for a few different types of paper. I use, I've even refined the paper profile form Epson for their Velvet Fine Art paper. Both Adobe Photoshop and Capture NX2 have ProPhoto RGB included among their possible working spaces.