Nikon SLR Cameras

I'm trying to buy a pretty nice camera for photography between $500-$1000?


I'm going on vacation at Glacier National Park and I'm trying to buy a nice camera for photography. I would like it to be a digital SLR camera and I'm not sure whether to chose Nikon or Canon. What would be a good camera for my money, and what extra lenses would I need to buy?


I'm a Canon guy, I just like Canon more: P

I recommend a Canon t2i with either a Canon EF-S 10-22mm lens or a Sigma 10-20mm lens. Both lenses are fine, the sigma is less expensive. These lenses are known as wide angle lenses and they are very helpful for landscape photography.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

You have the ambition to make photography a hobby? Actually invest some time into getting the hang of it? Then a DSLR like nikon's d3100 or canon's T3 make sense. If not just get a compact with umpteen times zoom


The current cameras with the most bang for the buck under $1, 000 are the Nikon D5100 and Canon T3i/600D

Visit a proper camera store and try them out. One of them will fit you and your style of shooting better than the other

If you are planning on shooting under low light conditions, the Nikon D5100 has the best sensor for that


Look towards the Nikon D5100 and the Canon T2i.
The kit lens is decent enough, but you will also want a long telephoto zoom for where you are going so you can get some close ups of wildlife and details.
I don't know my low end lenses very well to tell you which ones are good and which ones aren't. There are a few decent ones, you just really have to check the reviews on them.
A good source is


Canons are best, if you want video get a canon rebel t3, if not get the canon t2i!
if you're gonna get a nikon i suggest the nikon d3000 but canons are definitely better imo


Plan on spending closer to the $1000.

What I tell people is to go to an actual camera shop (not an electronics store). You need to hold/handle/try the different brands and models in your budget to see what feels comfortable to you, that you can find/use the controls easily, and has the ability to do the type of photography you are interested in now and in the future. I chose Canon for its ergonomics and menu layout while a fellow photog chose Nikon for the same reason.

The first thing to do is figure out your TOTAL amount you can spend. Then subtract 10% to cover taxes. After that, plan on about $150-$200 for an extra battery, several memory cards, and a nice padded case for the camera/lenses. The amount left over after that is your camera/lens budget… Start off with a camera "kit" that includes the camera body and 1-2 basic lenses for you to thoroughly learn the cameras operation.

For a "basic kit", I would suggest something like…[product_guids][0]=28810fa1-ee46-4956-beb2-a8ac6ad2d981[product_guids][0]=1cc07947-6aab-4806-9727-baf60ac3b2e6[product_guids][0]=8ca127ed-65a3-4fa2-a6c9-3b7dafd6a2af

If you go to type in camera and your city, state you should find a local camera shop and they should be able to offer you deals like the links above.


Any digital SLR camera will give you good pictures providing you know how to use it (and anything will be a major step up from a compact camera).

Honestly, people ask this question (nikon or canon?) a million times a day. It makes no difference, since it will be up to you (not the camera) to take good pictures.

go on the canon or nikon website, find a cheap dSLR that has all the features you like, and get that one. You should be fine with the basic lens (18-55mm) and a telephoto zoom lens (like 70-300mm). Once you learn more about photography you will be better able to pick your own lenses.


The Nikon d5100 and the kit lens would be good enough for most shots. If you'll want to go wider, get the Tokina 12-24 or other ultra wide angle too. If you'll want to be able to zoom in more, get the Nikon 55-200mm too.