Nikon SLR Cameras

Which has a better DSLR for beginners?


Nikon or Canon?
I don't have too much experience in photography, I'm kind of just getting started & I'd really like to get into it.
I have used a Canon T50 (uses 35 mm film) recently & I really enjoyed it, it wasn't too difficult to use & find my way around. However, I'd really like to get a DSLR, mostly to get rid of the whole cost of developing the film & the issue of not being able to see the picture you just took until the film is developed.
I'd just like to get some input on which brand has a better camera for people just starting out.


Before we jump into yet another Nikon Vs Canon argument, they are both excellent brands and you can't go wrong. They will both have the same options for beginners on their entry level cameras. There may be some differences (like autofocus points, displays on LCD vs rear screen vs viewfinder, flash sync speed) but as a beginner you won't really worry about things like that I imagine.

If you're used to the Canon system then stay with it. Nikon lenses mount the opposite way, and their button also are opposite to Canon. (So if I want to overexpose I dial left, Canon dials right.) The only bummer is that your current Canon lenses probably won't fit/work on your new canon DSLR. If you've been a Nikon user they would. Just sayin' :)

Jim A
Jim A

There's no better. The only that's better is your skills with a camera - that's the only difference.

Flip Dude
Flip Dude

Nikon and Canon are the best known brands for SLR cameras. For a newbie like you (no offense), you should get niko D3100