Nikon SLR Cameras
2 answers

Nikon 1 J1 or Sony nex 5?

Nikon 1 J1 or Sony nex 5?

4 answers

What are some good nikon camera's?

I have no camera right now. I need one and my brother said canon sucks, so no canon. So I need to know what are some good nikon camera. Nothing spacial just a good point and shoot that won't cost me and arm and a leg.

also should i listen to my brother and get a nikon or get a canon.

2 answers

Does this camera bundle seem to good to be true?

I was browsing Ebay and came across what seems to be a relatively well priced refurbished camera bundle:

The company appears to be reputable judging by the feedback. What do you guys think?
2 answers

Opinions on these cameras? I'm looking to buy?

I'm in high school so I don't have TOO much money right now, but Christmas and my birthday is coming up and I've got some in savings. I'm really into photography and I'm looking to buy a new camera because right now I just have an old point and shoot. I went into an Inkly's (camera/photo store) and a lady there helped me out a lot and showed me a few cameras that she thought would be good for what I'm into.
They were:
-Nikon 5100
-Nikon 3100
-Sony A33
-Sony A55
-Sony A45

I was wondering if any of you had these cameras or had opinions on them? I looked at them all and they all seemed pretty good. But, then again, I'm kind of new to this. I'd appreciate your opinions!

5 answers

I'm looking to buy a really great camera-Is Nikon or Canon Better?

I want to spend around 700 or less-which will give me professional results. I want to capture digital images and video.

2 answers

Can a Nikon digital camera double as a webcam?

I have been wanting to get a digital camera for awhile now. I had a webcam, but something happened to it and I do not want to have to replace it AND get a digital camera, when I know that some cameras can also be used as webcams. I know that Nikon is a good company but I do not know if their cameras are webcams. If they do not make those types of cameras, can anyone tell me what makers DO have a good quality camera + webcam for a decent price?

English Cowgirl
2 answers
English Cowgirl

Opinions on this camera?

I want a camera that will take good pictures and videos of my horses, so I need a camera that can take good action shots, and that won't go all blurry if my horse moves.
So what are your opinions on this camera? Http://
Has any one had any experience with one?

2 answers
Cindy Ayala
2 answers
Cindy Ayala

What's better sony cyber shot or nikon cool pix?

What's better sony cyber shot or nikon cool pix?

Out of Your Mind
3 answers
Out of Your Mind

Does Nikon d500 capture videos and what retail stores sell it?

Does Nikon d500 capture videos and what retail stores sell it?