Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

A good bridge camera?

I want to update my digital camera which is actually really bad. And now i want a bridge camera. I'm interested in macro and a good shutter speed. And good zoom will be nice. I'm a begginer in photography and don't want to pay anything more than about £150. I looked at the nikon L120 but it doesn't have a viewfinder. Just recommend a good decent camera thanks.

5 answers

What is better Nikon or Canon?

I'm looking for a good camera. I want something that captures every crisp detail and does a good job at capturing objects in motion without the picture being blurry. My budget is around $700. I would appreciate it if anyone could give me a link to a good camera that fits my description.

2 answers

Pictures won't show on camera

Sister had uploaded pics from Nikon SD card to PC, then made
the mistake of erasing many files on SD card instead of on PC's

Did that for her, so camera card now has all the original pics.
BUT, the camera doesn't see the pics downloaded onto the card
from PC - only the few pics that had been left on the card.

The PC can see all the pics on the card, as can the photo

Anyone know how to make the camera see all the pics?
(I believe Nikon has some hidden directory on the card that
controls which pics it sees.)

Is there a way to make the camera see all the pics that are on
the card?

1 answer

Upgrade my Nikon 50mm 1.8 or buy 35mm?

I have a couple hundred for a lens. Should I sell my 50mm 1.8 and upgrade to the 1.4 or keep the 1.8 and buy the 35mm 1.8? I shoot baby, children, and family portraits.

3 answers

Why does my camera say battery exhausted?

I just got a new Nikon s4100 and it worked perfectly for about two weeks. Then the other day I went to turn it on to take a picture and nothing happened. The camera wouldn't turned on so I just thought that my battery must have been dead. When I went to put it on the charger nothing happened - the light didn't start flashing to indicate that it was being charged. Then I took the battery out and put it back in several times and still nothing happened. Then after messing with it for about 10 minutes I tried turning my camera on and it finally did SOMETHING, but all it said was "batter exhausted".It doesn't seem to be charging or anything and I have tried turning the camera on and I haven't gotten that message again. The camera and battery are new. Any idea what is going on?

Thank you

Added (1). To answer someone's question: The battery has to be in the camera to charge it. You connect the USB to the camera/charger and you plug it into the wall. When I tried doing this nothing happens. When I first got the camera I charged the battery and it was working perfectly fine- no problems. Then it just randomly started doing what I stated above.

6 answers

Photography technique?

Okay so i was wondering what the technique is called when you have the camera focused on 1 thing and the background is blurry.
also i was wondering how you achieve this with a simple compact camera like nikon etc.

5 answers

Sony cybershot? Any good?

Been checking out cameras in and around the £200 mark as i would like the next step up from your bog standard camera but not wanting a dslr i have been checking out the sony cybershot hx9v and have played about in the shop the zoom seems really good and has different settings i can play about with anyone had any experience with this model? It gets great reviews and seems very quick in taking pictures compared to nikon, canon models that i tried in the shop

Popsicle Freeze 3
2 answers
Popsicle Freeze 3

What Nikon Camera is in the commercial that says Huge just got smaller?

It has Ashton Kutcher going out of a cannon full of confetti and it's a white camera.

Can you give me what it's called?

2 answers

I'm looking for a camera for Christmas?

My parents can really only spend about $200. I was looking at a Sony Cyber-Shot DSCW570/V but not really sure. I was also looking at a Nikon Power Shot SX150 IS but it take AA batteries. I have looked at more but can't remember right now. I'm looking for something that has at least 12 megapixels. If you can help thanks!

2 answers

Is this Best Buy Bundle available in store?


I rarely shop at all and I don't know if its exclusive online or available in retail stores.