Nikon SLR Cameras

Opinions on this camera?

English Cowgirl
English Cowgirl

I want a camera that will take good pictures and videos of my horses, so I need a camera that can take good action shots, and that won't go all blurry if my horse moves.
So what are your opinions on this camera? Http://
Has any one had any experience with one?


Yep, that'll be a good camera to start out with. But check amazon, their prices are cheaper.


If the d3100 is your the budget you have, yes. It will serve your needs as long as you learn how to use it. Such as using high shutter speeds and shooting in good daylight to eliminate any blur. The kit lens will work well for that. But if you're trying to shoot Trigger moving in the low-lit barn, then you'll need a lens that is more suitable for low light shooting.