Nikon SLR Cameras
7 answers

Nikon and Canon brands?

Which brand of camera do you prefer and why. Nikon or canon?

2 answers

Can I use an SD card in my Macbook Pro?

I have a new Macbook Pro i7. I'm not seeing a slot for my SD card (used in a Nikon dslr) All I see is a express card slot. I'm going from a PC to a Mac, so this is all new to me. Can I use an SD card in my Macbook?

Added (1). I see a large slot on the left side of the computer, past all of the usb ports. The slot is quite large. I inserted the SD card (it seems there's a magnetic pull inside the slot) but the card is much smaller than the slot, so I'm hesitant to stick the card all the way in.

4 answers

Better professional camera Nikon or canon?

I know that both these brands are great I just wanna know which one is better for a pro photographer.

Muddy Jo
3 answers
Muddy Jo

Good camera for amateur photography?

I would like to take pictures that involve fast action pictures such as capturing a horse running through a field at full speed or what falling and I want the quick action shutter where I can just push the button and it keeps taking pictures. Also I want something with a good zoom I will be taking far away pictures and a nice flash is optional.
Would like to keep the camera under 200 dollars but I have been considering the Nikon J1 so any opinion on that camera would help.

Adam Bradshaw
5 answers
Adam Bradshaw

What is best Nikon lens for studio/portrait photography?

I want to know what the best nikon lens is for portrait photography. The top couple lenses would work as well.

4 answers

Nikon N50 Film camera

Just found this old Nikon camera (not digital), its the N50 and there are a bunch of number on the back of the flash that you can attatch does anyone know what it might be for? (Aperature, exposure, shutter/film speed) if anyone knows please let me know!

Added (1). For the response "the numbers are a table to tell you the right combination of film speed- distance from subject and aperture setting for a reasonably good exposure. Film cameras took a lot more work than the new digitals." can someone tell me a little bit more about the numbers, ex. Is a higher number combo for distant photos (like landscapes) or close ups etc. The more detail the better!

7 answers

Is the 'Nikon 1' any good?

Is the 'Nikon 1' any good?

5 answers

Will the Nikon DX format eventually phase out?

Since the FX format is better and newer. It seems like Nikon will eventually phase the DX out slowly. In the other hand I hear lots of arguments saying because of the smartphone revolution. Manufacturers are concentrating on smaller and better image sensors even mirrorless ones. One opinion even suggest it is the FX format is the one that might get phased out.

What do you guys think?

Emily B
2 answers
Emily B

SOCAPA Photography Two Week Session?

I want to attend the Photography session at SOCAPA Manhattan but how much photo equipment do you need and do you have to have a certain type of camera? I have a Nikon L110 but i feel like if i go they might perfer a diiferent camera

2 answers

How to Photographing Flames?

For shot ting Flames do i need to use specific Lens?
Note I have Nikon Camera.
In which setting i have to use?