Nikon SLR Cameras
7 answers

I need a Digital SLR with no shutter lag?

Looking for a camera, a digital SLR with little or no shutter lag. Needs to be at least moderate to excellent quality photos and hopefully HD video. Nikon or Canon possibley. Any ideas? Under $1000?

3 answers

About Nikon cameras and others?

This is basically just a general question to see what people are thinking. I use Nikon cameras, and i know some follow Canon, but how many of us really use the video on them. I have never used it, nor will i, so i was thinking wouldn't it be great to get back to what cameras were meant for… Taking photos. I mean, i think if Nikon took out the video section, they could make up an AWESOME camera that has so many more features etc… On it, instead of wasting time having video. I was thinking if they removed the video they could make a camera do say more frames a second, or have mor mirrors etc… I'm not sure if it would be possible, but i just think the video part is a waste, and that space could be utilized into something better… What does everyone think.

5 answers
2 answers

What's the fastest sd card I need for a point and shoot?

I'm looking at buying a decent point and shoot camera. Possibly the Nikon 8200, or Canon Powershot ELPH 310hs. I was wondering what speed would no longer give me a performance boost because of the bottleneck of the cameras processor. So how fast should I get and would it be better to get multiple smaller capacities or one large capacity?

11 answers

Canon, Sony, Kodak, or Nikon?

I'm getting a professional camera, like this one:
Because I really want to start photography. I've read up alot of stuff, and I do hear Canon being the best, but also good stuff about Nikons. I don't want a camera cause of stupid hipster ***, I seriously want one for no***, great pictures, beautiful quality, that type. Not to take a *** picture of my shoes.So, anywho, which one is the best? And I have 'til my birthday to decide, but it can't, Can't, be over like $650-$700. I want a durable one too. That'll take great pictures even if it's 4 years old. Anyway. Thank you. My bday is May 15th, so that's 4 months.

Added (1). Okay, maybe not Professional, but high-tec.

6 answers

Windows video editing software that

I have a PC with Windows Vista, and windows movie maker obviously, but I dislike movie maker (crashes and isn't very user friendly) and was wondering if there's any other good software I can buy that can files without having to convert them to.avi. I use my iPhone and Nikon which both record and would love to skip the step of converting them if possible. So all in all, software for Windows PC that can edit basic video, not freakishly expensive, that can, and upload to youtube.

6 answers

Nikon D 3100 v/s Canon EOS 1100 D?

Nikon D 3100 v/s Canon EOS 1100 D?

2 answers

NorthFace or nikon J1?

My mom told me that for my birthday she was getting me two big gifts. I know one is a pair of UGGS. But I don't know which to get. Bailey button triplet or regular and black or grey? Also she said that I can chose between a NorthFace or a Nikon J1. Which one should I pick?

1 answer

What are some good dslr cameras for beginners (hobby)?

I'm going to get around 700 dollars soon.
i've been dreaming of getting a dslr camera for years and i'm thinking nikon.
but the only reason why i want a nikon is because i heard you can use the lenses from older nikons into the new ones.
i don't really want to get a camera to make a profession out of it, it's solely for a hobby.
lol by that i mean like, it doesn't have to be like top notch, because i don't know camera details anyway, haha.
so i want to know what would be a good nikon camera for a beginner?
i want it to be cheap too but like still a good quality camera.
like a good not over-priced nikon dslr camera for beginners.lololz

Andrew Diaz
3 answers
Andrew Diaz

Best nikon lenses for sports?

Specifically skateboarding. Doesn't have to be a fisheye.