Nikon SLR Cameras
little E
1 answer
little E

What is an San Disk?

What is a San Disk memory card how much can it hold. I have an Nikon L20 Camera and it can with San Disk Memory card its a micro SD to Adapter it doesn't say how many gigs it has? How much can pictures and videos can it hold?

Added (1). I notice when i do video it says 10 mintues to record thats alot for a memory card with no gigs

5 answers

Which is better nikon or canon? - 2

I have a canon so this is just a random question

thanking you all muchly

Annette Leigh Haynes
2 answers
Annette Leigh Haynes

Nikon F, using Vivitar 3X Teleconverter?

Nikon F, 35mm SLR using Vivitar 3X Teleconverter
When doing Portraits using Makinon 80-200mm 1:4.5 Lens on 100mm power using Vivitar 3X Teleconverter!00 ASA Kodak Ektar print Film if flash meter reads f:11 how many stops should I open lens up. I want to see if a 300mm lens will be better or worse I do not have a 300mm lens at this time.

2 answers

I'm Just wondering if you can use Sony, nikon or Canon lenses on any brand camera?

I'm wanting to upgrade my lenses on my Sony A230 dslr and eventually wanting to upgrade my camera maybe to a Nikon… Can you use different named lenses on different cameras?

4 answers

Anything about Pentax cameras?

A couple days ago, I found an old Pentax camera in the attic my parents used to have. I THINK the lens cap said something about it being a 140? I have no idea anything about it; I've only seen it that once. Can you tell me anything about Pentaxs? Being 14, I know nothing about them, but I'm really into photography. Do you think it would still work; I mean, if it's even that old in the first place? There was some film in it's bag, but I didn't want to try it out. I don't even know where it's supposed to go. It's definitely nothing like my P&S Nikon…

7 answers

Nikon or Cannon, which one?

I'm planning to buy a camera and with a budget of 1000$. Which one should i buy?

2 answers

Can i double the filters that i use on my camera?

I just bought a circular polarized filter, a neutral density filter, and a UV filter for my nikon can i put all the filters on at once? Also if i can will it break or do anything to my camera?

3 answers

How to use adobe programs to change my photograph?

I have a nikon L120. Its a great sharp camera but I want to make each picture look like it is a screenshot from a dark tim burtonesque movie. I don't want it to have that camera look about it but rather a movie screenshot with a gothic look about it.

1 answer

How to make a photo from my camera look like a movie screenshot?

I have a nikon L120. Its a great sharp camera but I want to make each picture look like it is a screenshot from a dark tim burtonesque movie. I don't want it to have that camera look about it.

3 answers

I have a choice for a gift, which?

I can get a Nikon camera, and underwater camera or a new laptop, i currently have a laptop but its a 2005 model… Lol and a camera from 2008 which i still actully like. But i don't know!