Nikon SLR Cameras
i love the wanted
1 answer
i love the wanted

What modelling competitions are there?

My friends is stunning basically, she don't think she is. But she has a nikon and she likes taking photo's of herself and she brushes up good but i want her to know she's pretty so i'm looking for a competition were you put the photo and everyone votes for it and if you win you win only something little. I don't want a fashion show and photo shoot because i'm very good at self photography and i can get a good photo so any websites please: D i really want my best friend to know she is gorgeous

Miranda Roe
3 answers
Miranda Roe

My Nikon won't let me download pictures to my laptop?

I have a Nikon J1 and I followed the instructions for downloading pictures onto your computer. So I hooked it up to my laptop and turned my camera on as it said to do in the manual book thing but it turns on for a second and a gray box pops up and then the screen goes black. Can someone please help me?

4 answers

Teenage Photographer?

So I was just wondering what you thought of my photography. I started taking interest in it about a year and a half ago and I pretty much fell inlove with it. I really don't want to be one of those "annoying teenger with a Nikon and think they're automatically a photographer." I really do love it and I'm thinking about doing it in college. I know I'm not the best photographer but I really need some feedback on my photos on what I need to improve, I'd really appreicate it! Thanks so much!

Heres my link:

Added (1). By the way, the photos with the girl of the back of her showing was for an American Eagle Vintage Jean contest so that's why I only showed the back of her jeans!

Added (2). Unfortunately, I don't own Photoshop or any editing system.

3 answers

Does camera flash affect cats?

I just took a picture of myself with flash by accident, and my cat was sleeping next to me. It wasn't a direct flash, but it was close to him. I have a small nikon camera, the flash is not so strong. I waved my finger in front of him, he seemed to follow it with his eyes/head. Will he be fine? I'm really worried, do cats go blind easily? Am I worrying too much? It wasn't a direct flash, just a side flash. It didn't scare him too much. BTW, he's 2 years old.

10 answers

Need a program to convert videos?

I need to be able to edit my videos in windows movie maker, but it does not accept the avi files from my nikon. What's a good converter?

2 answers

Does anyone heard of

Is it a scam? I saw a Nikon camera only for 399! But there's not a single review for that site.

5 answers

Nikon or Cannon Cameras?

Does Nikon or Cannon have better quality pictures? Clear? Editing?

3 answers

What should I spend my money on?

I'm going to Europe this summer, something I've always dreamed. I'll be going to France, England, and possibly Romania. My questions is, should I get a new, fancy camera (a nikon or canon DSLR) or should I save the money for when I go shopping?

2 answers

Best fisheye converter lens for Nikon?

I don't have the cash for a real fisheye so i just want to buy a converter to put on my lens, but i don't want to see the edge of the fisheye when its on, and i want to know what would be the best one to get.

Lacy Styles
4 answers
Lacy Styles

Nikon D1300 blurry pictures?

I recently got a Nikon d1300 camera, when i put it on a stable spot on timer the pictures usually come out blurry, why is this so and how do i fix this