Nikon SLR Cameras
Fern Harrison
3 answers
Fern Harrison

How to change shutter speed on Nikon J1?

So I want to do some light painting on my new Nikon J1, it's my first camera so I'm not very good with changing the settings, etc. I've tried to google it but I can't find anything, only reviews of the camera. Can someone please tell me how to change the shutter speed to do light painting?

8 answers

Best digital camera brand?

Canon? Olympus? Sony? Nikon
Is it true that Olympus is the best one?

I Want To Know
2 answers
I Want To Know

Lack of Nikon Stock Everywhere?

I know that Nikon have had a problem meeting order demands because of the floods near their manufacturing buildings in the far east last year but does anyone know when they're going to get back on track and start shipping at full capacity again?

I'm sick of not being able to buy parts or being able to upgrade my camera because everyone is out of stock! I want to buy myself a new camera but the one I want to get is either permanently out of stock or the suppliers are putting up the prices far too highly.

It's really making me angry.

dana l
4 answers
dana l

Metering in manual mode on nikon n65?

I'm trying to use the camera's meter on my nikon n65 in manual mode but the meter doesn't change it is always indicating that it is underexposed no matter how much i change it. The meter looks like this +2 +1 0 -1 -2. Can anyone help explain how I can get the meter reading to zero?

Added (1). Taylor-That is what metering does, it tells you the exposure composition (shutter speed, aperture setting) for finding zone V or middle grey. That's what the zero will tell me, how to find zone V.

1 answer

Would a nikon m-223 or P223 work for a 308 rifle?

I just bought a remington 700 in 308, and am looking for a decent scope. I want to be able to shoot out to 600 yards. I was looking a either the nikon m-223 or the new p223 3x9. Would these scopes work with my 308. I have read that you can use Nikon's spot on. Or does anyone have any other ideas for a tactical scope that won't break the bank.

1 answer

Ireland as temporary relocation for work?

My husband works for a global company and may have the opportunity to go to Ireland to work on a project. Could be 2 weeks or 2 months. His job will take care of most of the details for him I'm sure however, I want to go too! ( Actually its a bucket list item for me) We will both of course have our passports and this will be my first trip abroad.

I have read many posts on this subject and seem to get mixed messages. The company will take care of the details housing, ect but my question is this, What other than my passport will I need to spend these 2 weeks -2 months with him?

While he works I plan on packing my Nikon and spending the majority of my time traveling Ireland and photographing my journey while learning the culture and meeting new friends. Yes I'm wearing my green tinted lenses:-)
Thank you in advance for any advice.

Added (1). I'm sorry I overlooked the important part, yes we're both born and raised in
the US. I will read the links you posted.

little E
3 answers
little E

How much can a 1gb SD memory card hold?

I have Nikon L20 Camera and i found out my memory card is 1gb how many pictures and videos can it hold? Its San Disk

Added (1). I looked at the video section in the camara and it says 10MM

2 answers

Suggest a good digicam in India?

I would like to buy a digi cam in India within 10000 bucks… Please suggest a good one within Nikon and Sony

2 answers

What is the difference between a Nikon's Cameras FPS and a Canon Camcorders FPS?

I need a good Camcorder, but I also need a good camera, it seems people get Nikon's for videos also, but the FPS seems so low? Any suggestions?

Mag G
7 answers
Mag G

Mirrorless digital camera recommendation?

I'm looking for a good mirrorless compact digital camera recommendation. I currently have a Sony Alpha DSLR that is a nice camera but just not as great as I had expected. Also, I want something less bulky and easier to carry around. I do enjoy my DSLR for things like hiking or at an event where I'm not going from place to place. It is much to big to carry around on vacation or a night out though. I want a mirrorless for the size and still being able to take amazing, quality pictures. I have looked at quite a few different brands and have liked a few but also found one or two cons to each so I'm having a hard time choosing. I want something that is fast, steady, decent battery life, must have a flash, light weight, changeable lenses, good low light capabilities, preferably able to record, the cheaper the lenses the better. I had been quite interested in the Nikon 1 J1 but I don't like that there are only 3 lenses. I have also been looking at a Sony NEX 5N, but the lenses are quite expensive and I'm leary of Sony since I wasn't highly impressed with my Sony DSLR. My price range is $400-$800. Anyone have any good suggestions or even suggestions of what to stay away from? Thank you!

Added (1). Any suggestions on smaller, more travelable DSLR?