Nikon SLR Cameras
4 answers

Best telephoto for a canon?

I've got a budget of about £600 pounds and am looking for a good quality telephoto that is around 300mm or more if possible. I don't really want to have to use a Nikon to Canon adapter so that removes a few options. Any suggestions greatly received.

1 answer

How to use a Nikon N60 & any online photography guides?

Okay so I'm trying to get better at my photography. I have a Polaroid and a Nikon N60.It's hard for me to use the Nikon N60 because it was a handy down and I never got a guide on it. What I'm basically asking is if anyone knows any online photography guide to follow as I practice snapping pictures? Or maybe even a guide on the Nikon N60 camera.

5 answers

How to take photos at night without a tripod

I'm going overseas soon, and will be taking night photos a lot in fact. I have a nikon p100 and I understand you need a low shutterspeed for the lens to grasp a lot of light at night. If I don't want to lug around a tripod everywhere, is there another way to capture them?

4 answers

My Sigma 70-200mm fell on the ground, how serious could it be?

As the title says, my Sigma 70- fell on the ground as it was attached to my Nikon, I bent over and it seems I pushed the button on the camera with my body and the lens detached it fell down from like 50- onto the tiles… The AF doesn't work and so doesn't the ring from MF.

I'm wondering if there's a chance that it's fixable?

1 answer

How do my photos look? Advice please?

I'm 16 and love photography, all my photos have been taken on a Nikon p100.

If you could look at them all first, that would be great!

2 answers

Action Figure Photography: Which Camera?

I collect Figmas (Japanese action figures) and I want to take photos of them in all sorts of situations. Which camera do you recommend? DSLRs are out of the question because of their price…

Current options are the Nikon s9300/s9200 and the Canon SX260HS

Which is the better camera in terms of price and features? Also, I own a Sony WX9 camera so would it be good enough?

For Filipinos: Are cameras cheaper in Greenhills? Do they sell cameras in Gilmore and if they do, do they sell them at a lower price?

4 answers

Is the Nikon 1 v1 or J1 good?

Is the Nikon 1 good? Is it better than its competitors mirrorless cameras? Is the camera itself better than DSLR cameras at an equal price?
Can it take really good professional grade pictures?

3 answers

Can I charge my Nikon DX camera with a USB cable?

I don't have a charger for my camera. I looked in a lot of stores everywhere for a charger but I can't find one. Can you charge it with a USB cable? If not, where can I find one?

2 answers

Could somone set me straight with moa on a scope?

Now Ik what a moa is and all i have a nikon prostaff and it says from nikon that it has 80 moa elevation range but i turned the nob 160 times and it hadnt stopped I'm just wondering bc I would like to try a crack at 1000 yards why didn't it stop if it only had 80 moa

James Delucia
1 answer
James Delucia

How come i can't use the spot healing brush tool on some of my pics?

I'm trying to remove some wrinkles from my pics and i've realized i can't do it with some pics.
It works fine on raw with my nikon pics… But this one is canon and is in the "PEF" format.