Nikon SLR Cameras

How do my photos look? Advice please?


I'm 16 and love photography, all my photos have been taken on a Nikon p100.

If you could look at them all first, that would be great!


"Untitled" (top left): Crop off that thin sliver of green and blown-out sky across the top and you'll have a better picture.

Rows of color: I like it.

Sunset: It just doesn't look 100% sharp to me. If the small section of horizon in the middle left was horizontal it would be a better picture. Consider buying a tripod. I consider a tripod as mandatory for good landscape photography.

A clear perspective: I like it. Took a good "eye" to see that picture.

Bee: I had to strain to actually see the bee. If the bee is the subject then get closer and make it the dominant element in the picture.

Many of your other pictures could be improved with better composition. Read this:

Some of your pictures are in the snapshot category. Nothing wrong with that but you might consider deleting them from your Flickr account and just post ones that show that you actually thought about what you were doing.

Most of your landscapes suffer from a non-horizontal horizon. Again, consider buying a tripod.

Overall I'd say you're doing fairly well. At least you didn't post pictures of your shoes or a friend making a "fish face" at the camera or other such teen subjects.

Its often said in here that "Its not the camera its the photographer." and many of your pictures prove that.

Since you seem to have a strong desire to learn about photography reading these articles (along with the one previously mentioned) will be of benefit to you: