Nikon SLR Cameras

Looking for photography instructions for dyslexics?


I have a young friend who has taken an interest in photography. She's 15 and has dyslexia. She inherited a Nikon SLR and I'm looking for a resource (website or book, etc… ) that is geared towards explaining the basics of photography (composition, F-Stop, and the like) to people with dyslexia. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as this is an art form that's useful to her.

Steve P
Steve P

I can't say that I know of such a thing, but here is a site that is mostly visual oriented as to the relationships between the various aspects of camera controls. If she Really gets a thorough understanding of how all this works in conjunction with each other, she will have a good head start to being a good photographer.



That's so thoughtful of you to be asking about this…

I feel a bit ignorant about what would be appropriate for dyslexics… But I associate it with having difficulty reading (and reversing letters and/or words).

Given that visual challenge wrt reading I'd suggest video tutorials on photography instruction. There are different options - depending on whether the person can spend money for such tutorials. Some examples:

1- YouTube videos on various photog topics (FREE) - Composition, Exposure, Lighting would be some sample search terms to use as a start
2- videos on photog & photo post-processing (FEE - $25/month & an annual option) - excellent video tutorials on all sorts of topics (shooting and software-related as well as how to set up a website of photos).

Those are two I'd recommend you check out as a start. Hope you find something useful for your friend.


The instructions for using a camera are NO different for a dyslexic than anyone else.

I'm dyslexic and have never had a problem using a camera

Here is a link that explains how to use a fully adjustable camera like a Nikon SLR.