Nikon SLR Cameras
1 answer

Explain this strange photographic fact?

These two photos are taken in my house by Nikon camera.

At first I took this photo:

In this photo everything is ok, TV and the image (in TV) are normal.

And, then, after several seconds, I took this photo:

And, look at the TV and the image of the display. The TV itself is normal, but the display image is deformed somehow. I don't understand, how the display deformed, and the TV itself did not.

Please, can you explain the phenomenon, how it happened?

3 answers

Is it possible to trigger the Nikon SB600 flash with a phone or compact camera?

SB600 has 'slave mode'.

do i need the SB800 or beyond to trigger flash with a phone or compact camera?

some people have said 'get an optical slave trigger' but what would that do?

Added (1). Like this guy

4 answers

Can any canon lens fit on any canon camera?

I just got this camera lens, EF 35mm f/2 IS USM Wide-Angle, and I have the Canon Rebel T3i. Will this lens fit on my camera? Thanks so much for helping! And is this camera lens good?

3 answers

How to use a nikon g lens on an f mount body?

I have a nikon g lens (14-24) that I have adapted to canon ef for filming but would also like to use it on my nikon f3 but doing so will result in an unusable stop of 22 because of the internal aperture. Is there any adapter or way of locking it on a stop before attaching?

2 answers

What is 3D feature in camera?

Nikon s9400 takes 3d images while nikon l830 lacks the feature. Would someone explain?

5 answers

Starting photography DSLR?

Is this a good start camera for experimenting with photography, I still don't know if this will become a full time hobby, so i didn't feel like dropping any more money than this.

2 answers

What shutter speed needed to take photos like the following

I was wondering what setting are needed on a normal (film) camera to gain the following "ghost like" or whatever you want to call it affect.

3 answers

Preventive coatings, tips for preventing scratches on glasses?

Mine are prescription near sighted glasses that are extra then normal they are from walmart vision center.

7 answers

I'm confused with canon 600d, nikon 5200d and sony alpha a58 which shall i go for?

I'm confused with canon 600d, nikon 5200d and sony alpha a58 which shall i go for?

12 answers

Nikon vs Canon DSLR?

Which is better?