Camera for Photography

So i'm taking a photography course and i need a "35 mm Single Lens Reflex Camera" with a manual mode of operationg
Anyone know some good ones? Not just brands like Nikon, but the model too

I take it that it is a film SLR that is explicitly asked for, no DSLRs allowed.
In that case i can recommend e.g. A Nikon N80 (or F80, depending on where you live), which can be obtained on ebay with a basic 28-80mm lens for less than $100.

There's plenty on ebay.
Nikon, canon, minolta, all of those are nice.

When getting a 35 mm SLR keep this in mind that they all take the same pictures
do you have any DSLRs? If you have a canon DSLR go with a canon 35mm SLR, if you have a nikon DSLR then get a nikon 35mm SLR.
if you take up photography you will be spending a lot of money on lenses and accessories which means that when you get new lenses or new accessories you will have something that can fit both.
(its a bit more complicated since their are a few restriction)
I personally have a canon EOS 3 which is an amazing camera it has weatherproofing, tons of metering features, and is a very solid camera. You can get one of them for $150 and below
I also have a Nikon F3 it is much older but it was the professional's tool of choice for practically a decade. It has lower sync speed of 1/80th but is still very use
those are my two recommendations from each major manufaturer because they are cameras I have used and abused for 10 or more years and they still function as new.
bottom line: if you plan on using Nikon in the future go with a canon EOS camera since they will be compatible with your future gear purchases (for the most part)
if you plan on going with Nikon go with a Nikon body for the same reason.
if you don't plan on continuing photography with either of these brands then get any camera you find that is cheap and comes with many lenses.

When I took a photography course about five years ago, I used a Nikon N80 with a zoom lens, but I had to promise the instructor that I would use the lens on the 50mm, manual setting. That worked most of the time, and got excellent pictures. The class was black and white, with dark room training. Very instructive. A camera like that is quite inexpensive now, with a choice of lenses, all of which are very good. Check B&H Photo/Video used department. They have excellent quality, with a guarantee, and reasonable prices. I still have the camera, and use it with color print film. I also have a Nikon D60 with a 18-200 autofocus zoom which is fantastic.
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