Sugest a slr camera 4 beginer photographer budget arnd 50 dolars?

I wud definitely prefer canon or may b nikon

Barring the chance you left another zero off the end of 50, I'm afraid there are no models in that price range.

For $50 (fifty), check the inner city pawn shops, you might be able to find an old film SLR for that price. For $500, you could get a new DSLR.

You can find any number of cameras for that kind of money but you'll have to dig. KEH will have bodies and 35-70-ish zoom lenses for around 50-60. I see them in pawn shops once in a while and sometimes the other way overpriced extreme. Do your homework, post an ad, heck someone might give you a SLR.

At that price, you may have to settle for an old film camera.
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