Nikon camera lens cracked, will they replace?

Start of the problem
about a month ago my nikon d-40 camera charger suddenly stopped working, then today i was taking pictures when all of a sudden the camera lens was stuck
i called the store from which i bought it from and they told me to take the lens off so i can bring it tomorrow, when i took of the lens the lens cracked
do you think that they would replace it
i have a 2 year warranty and its from blacks camera is canada

The two year warranty tells it all. Is your camera still within the two years since you bought it?
Where did the lens crack? The lens elements? The lens barrel? The lens mount?
All you can do is take the camera and lens into Blacks and have the look at it and determine if what has happened to your camera is under the warranty. Take your battery charger in too. In over nine years, I have never had a Nikon battery charger or Nikon Li-ion battery fail.

If you have a warrenty than yeah thay should replace it