Camera with fast shutter speed?

I'm looking for a digital camera that has fast shutter speed but also moves quickly from picture to picture without making you view your previous picture before taking another one. SLR cameras are out of our price range. Looking at a Nikon L110 but it makes you view the picture for a couple seconds before allowing you to take another. Any suggestions?

My Fuji S5100 has a multi shot mode which work something like a film camera with a winder. It shoots multiple shots in a row with one shutter click.
That's an older model camera, but I sure many newer camera have the same feature.

Amy seems to a bit off the mark!
What you need to look for is a camera that has a rapid shot setting so you just keep the button pressed and it flashes away. Given that you are going to be using this function you also want good battery capacity or you will ''run out''! So get a spare set of re-chargeable batteries and or the camera of your choice to suit. HP7 sized batteries will probably be adequate but remember the flash will ''eat'' batteries to flat quite quickly so carry a spare set of rechargeable 2500 or higher. This may not be comprehensible at present but if you have a local photo shop or a supermarket that sell batteries have a look on the racking at the batteries and you will find Rechargeable and heir capacities. You also need a re-charger which will take 4 batteries. Two typical types are 4 batteries in a row or 2 in front 2 behind. If you go abroad you want a charger that gives you a 13 amp UK plug and an EU 2 pin plug connector.
Hope this helps. A.

Try the Sony Alpha 55, it sells for around 850 US$ with the kit lens and can shoot an amazing 10fps burst rate, something that before only Pro DSLRs could get close to but at a much higher price (7.500 US$)
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