Nikon SLR Cameras

Can I buy a small camera with the features of a large one?


I'm just starting my research on buying a new camera. I want one of those big SLR cameras but I take my camera everywhere with me and those are too big and bulky for me. I want a small camera with big camera features. I'd like to stick with a nikon or cannon because I'm told they're the best and price isn't a huge factor.


They are out there. I personally like my fujifilm finepix S2940

Jim A
Jim A

Actually no. Small cameras aren't controllable like dslr cameras are. The best I've seen it written is that the camera makers assume that those who buy small cameras don't have a clue how to operate a camera anyway so they make everything fully automatic… And from what I've seen that's true.

Small cameras with control aren't there. Bridge cameras have some control but they're usually about half way between a pocket toy and a dslr in size, is that too big? If not check them out. For bridge cameras I like Fuji - I have two of them and have had excellent service from both.


Get a bigger bag for a big camera. Nikon and Canon are only the most popular, not necessarily the best. Price isn't a huge factor? You deserve the best.

Here are more choices.


Canon s100