Nikon SLR Cameras
4 answers

Amazing cameras for beginner photographers?

I was looking into the Nikon. I get confused ALOT when it comes to the names with all the letters and numbers. I just like to take photos of animals, nature, and people. Thanks and Happy Holidays!

Added (1). *Nikon 1

Added (2). DSLR would be nice, my budget is $750.00.

3 answers

How to use the LCD preview when shooting with Nikon 3100?

I want to use the preview on the LCS screen on my Nikon 3100 but don't seem to work very well - I mean if I swith the flick-switch the LCD starts showing the subject - bu it also starts the timer ( such as counting down from 25 secs ) this means I have to take my photo before the 25 seconds is up.

If I simple use the view finder all ok - but I would rather use the LCD screen for quick shots.

4 answers
9 answers

Are Canon cameras better than Nikon?

I was planning on getting a new camera and I'm not really sure which is better. I see the commercials for Nikon and it makes it look so much nicer than my Canon Powershot, but you really can't trust commercials. Give me your opinion?

Added (1). And by better I mean like… Quality wise and this new Nikon camera you can take pictures without flash in dark lighting, is that any good?

4 answers

Will Nikon produce the F7?

Will Nikon produce the F7?

Added (1). Lol the video add on is one of the main reasons I like the regular SLR's better. I don't like for a lot of the quality of a camera that I plan to take pictures with to be wasted on something I will never use (video).

Zaihan Ahmad
4 answers
Zaihan Ahmad

Which lens is best for travel? -Nikon 70-300mm f4.5-5.6 or Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 APO OS?

Which lens is best for travel?-Nikon 70-300mm f4.5-5.6 or Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 APO OS?

3 answers

What would this camera be classified as?


It is not a point and shoot and it can't be classified as a DSLR. What would this be? And is it a good buy? The sale runs out this week BTW.

Added (1). And how much battery life?

1 answer

T/C Triumph bullet drop?

I don't have a lot of time to go out and do the testing myself due to my job so this is why i do not know myself. I have the T/C Triumph and was wanting to know what the bullet drop is using 100 grains Pyrodex and a 250 shockwave. I have Nikon Omega scope with BDC and want to know what the BDC marks mean with my load above. I mean how to calibrate my load to the BDC.

If you got a T/C Triumph let me know what load is most accurate with yours. Even better if you shoot with my same set up what is the BDC drop points with your reticle.

Wolf B
4 answers
Wolf B

Nikon DSLR users: What's your favorite lens? Why?

This question is pretty open ended. Just curious. You can name more than one lens if it's a tie.

2 answers

Kindle Fire, iPod Touch, or Nikon Camera for Christmas?

I love what I can do on all three. I love to read, music is my life, and photography is my passion. But sadly, of course I can't have all three. I've been wanting a new camera for a long time because mine sucks, and since it's my passion, it's what I want the most.

But. I originally wanted a Lomography camera, a camera that has amazing effects. That's the kind of photos I take, effect photography. Though, my mom said she wasn't going to buy a film camera, so no chance there. Then, I decided I would get some kind of Nikon. But the draw back is, cameras like that don't take for effects. They take for quality. Quality is great, but with effects only like Sepia and B&W, that's not very helpful. That's the main reason I want an iPod Touch. Yes, also for my love of music, but do you know how many different photography apps you can buy? Jillions. I even found a Lomography one. But the mega pixels aren't very great, of course, and I was hoping for at least 16mp.

Then, we have the Kindle Fire. This was the first thing I asked for Christmas, so I'm probably guarantee to get it. It sucks though, because I told my mom I really wanted this before I found out all the apps for the iPod, and now I've kind of changed my mind. But, all in all, I want yall's opinions. I love to read. I mean, love it. The only draw back is the no camera. That just drives me crazy. I'd LOVE to have a tablet with a camera. But one being an eReader tablet at the same time, and sadly, there's none of those. The Kindle Fire also have a bunch of apps available, just as the iPod Touch does, but, still the whole camera dilemma.

I'm thinking I can maybe get 2 of the 3, but with the Kindle almost already guarantee, it comes down to the camera or the iPod. Which do you think? My birthday is also coming up in January, but I don't know about getting 2 for Christmas and the other for my birthday.