I have no problem with harsh comments, in fact I encourage them because they really help me with my future work, but before you do comment just know some backround about my experience. I have only taken one photography course and have been saving for a good beginner nikon camera for about two years. I plan to get one next weekend, but for now I have been using my moms camera which is kindof like a hybrid between the nice nikon I plan to get and a point and shoot. I do understand most of the basic rules of photography but I'm only a beginner and am learning as I go. I would really like your feedback on what you think i can improve on and if you have a flickr go ahead and comment or favorite one of my photos! Thanks- please help I only am looking to get better.

I need a camera and have no clue on what to get. I'm not really sure what is what. I absolutely love taking pictures. I like taking pictures of the deer and other wildlife that run in my yard. And I love taking pictures of my pets ( Goats, chickens, horse, peahen etc.). I have to have a decent zoom for the wild animals. I also enjoy taking pictures of the environment and my family. I would love a really good zoom. I also take pictures at night. I would appreciate something that when I take pictures of my pets their eyes aren't red. I'm thinking of taking photography in 4-H so a good camera would be nice. I really need it to last. I would like something sturdy but not really bulky. Some cool style would be nice but not required. Kodak or Nikon or some nice brand would be nice. As for budget unfortunately I'm cheap. Around a Hundred dollars. Two hundred is crazy. I would like it to be somewhere like Walmart or Meijer where I can hold it and look at it (not required). I need a good sturdy camera. With a really good zoom please. I'm not a technical person but I need a variety of options. My last camera was a kodak and I loved it. Please help. Thank you
Added (1). What's the difference between "point and shoot" and SLR

What type of Nikon Camera/Lens to buy?
I'm looking for a nice Nikon camera to take pictures with. Probably the smallest Nikon that you can attach different lenses to & preferably one that doesn't weigh 100 pounds. I'm also looking for a fisheye lens. Any recommendations? And If you have any, where to get them?

What are some cameras that take good quality concert photos?
I have a fujifilm finepix digital camera and it's really not that great. I need one that takes awesome pictures in the dark with bright lights, like at a concert, and pretty much makes it seem as if you're there. It also has to be able to capture movement without becoming blurred, if that makes sense? Ahaha, I don't know how to word it. But yeah, I know Canon and Nikon are pretty good brands. Could you give me any suggestions as to what you use/recommend? The type of camera, model, and Lens would be fabulous. I'm also trying to stay under $900. Thanks!
EDIT: I also Really need it to take good quality videos and be able to store lots of them because I love recording at the concerts.

I have a Nikon DX, does anyone know where I could sell this?
I also have an additional lens that was purchased.
I don't like ebay or amazon, and the craigslist where I live sucks
any advice?

Beginner photographer! Need a camera but what to get
I've recently fell in love with photography and am looking into getting a DSLR and with not knowing much about cameras and what's good for what so i need some major help! With all the different types of cameras out there it's hard to find out which one is best for me.i'm 18 and in college so a cheaper one would be nice. I'm into portrait like senior pictures and nature photography. I'm thinking canon unless you think nikon is better. But please give suggestions and a possible link for me to check it out.
Added (1). Things i'm looking for:
- good in low light
- at least 16 MP
- adequate frames per second
- deals that come with more than one lens

Both Nikon and Sony are selling digital cameras real cheap these days. I looked at a Nikon with 16 mp for around $100. I could get one w/14 mp for about $30 less. Is it worthwhile to spend the extra money. I only need it to take photos of family and pets for home use and to email. In that price range, is there any big difference between the 2 companies. What else should I look for? E.g. Zoom, etc.

I really want a digital slr camera for a good price. I don't want to spend too much since I'm paying for it. I want one of those nice cameras that takes really good pictures, but I don't want to go broke. I have been told Canon and Nikon are good brands, but what edition or type should I get?

High quality camera for amateurs to take 'model photos'?
My friend is a starter model who wants to post her photos (that she doesn't have yet) in her portfolio on ModelMayham.com She kindly asked me if I take pictures of her, but I do not have even close to a good camera to deliver those high quality shots.
Are there any type of amateur friendly cameras that'll serve the purpose? I don't know much about the technical side of taking pictures besides aperture, zoom, pixelation, ISO, and a few other points to it, but I learn quick. I was looking at Nikon D40s and D80s, which looked to be $700 and that was okay, until I found out a separate lense that adds to the camera is $1400! What camera can deliver the results I'm looking for that's pretty affordable and user friendly? I was hoping to achieve the effect and quality of portrait type photos such as these:
Can anybody direct me to anything that might help me?
PS: I'm not trying to master anything else besides portrait/modeling shots and I'm in no way attempting to make money off the photos I want to take. This is only to help my friend.

I really want a new camera for Christmas. I like the Nikon l120, but I was wondering what other Nikon cameras are high quality. Preferably in the $200-$300 price range.