Nikon SLR Cameras
wana bigger bike
1 answer
wana bigger bike

Will my scope be able to worth with a 20 MOA base?

I have a Nikon Monarch 4-16x scope with only 40 MOA of internal adjustments. Its a 1/4MOa per click scope.

I want to put it on a 20 MOA Base and still be able to keep my 150 yard zero. Think I will be able too? I'm just wanting to be able to keep my 150 yard zero while at the same time getting a few more clicks of elevation adjustment.

Added (1). Woops supposed to be "work" in the title not "worth

Added (2). I've got about 60 clicks left of moving "down" before i bottom out the scope So 20 MOA is too much but maybe a 5-10 MOA base if i can find one?

1 answer

What are some websites like

I'm looking for websites that sell things for a lot less than their worth? Please no bidding websites, i've tried those before and the only seem to waste my time.
*I'm specifically looking for a Nikon or Canon SLR, so websites that sell discounted clothes won't help…

2 answers

What lens comes with Nikon FG 20?

When it is bought from the store, does it come with any lens or do the retail prices reflect the cost of the body alone? I'm really hoping it at least comes with a basic lens or something so I don't have to buy a lens separate.

10 answers

Teens which would you rather have for christmas?

Well i'm getting the ipad for christmas and same with my sister but we can spend another $150, so i was wondering would you rather have a small nikon camera or a small flat screen t.v. In your room (22inches)? And you will probably use them equally.


Added (1). P.s. I already have a camera ( not nikon ) and i do have a small flat screen in my room so i'd just be replacing stuff

Added (2). Kylie you don't need to be mean… And my parents rather spend money on things i like because my parents taste are way different then mine.jeez.

Added (3). Emily thank you your so nice.

Added (4). Thanks Ocean: D

3 answers

How is the nikon L 120? IS IT WORTH?

Friends i want to buy a camera in d range of 15000… I liked d looks f NIKON L I20… Can any one tell me about its review. Is it worth? How is its picture quality? Should i go 4 it or some odr cameras… Please do help me.

5 answers

Who has better cameras sony, kodak, cannon, or nikon?

Who has better cameras sony, kodak, cannon, or nikon?

6 answers

Who has better cameras sony, kodak, cannon, or nikon? - 1

Who has better cameras sony, kodak, cannon, or nikon?

5 answers

Canon camera vs Nikon camera?

I'm trying to figure out what camera to buy. I don't know to look at a Canon Camera or a Nikon Camera? I'm starting to take photography so I want to be taking pictures of almost about everything. I remember seeing this camera I really wanted and it was small but very good. I don't remember if it was from Canon or not but I want a small portable camera I will be able to carry around and bring everywhere. ANY advice!

2 answers

Which camera brand is better- Nikon or Canon?

Which camera brand is better- Nikon or Canon?

Added (1). @ Taylor- More at Point and Shoot! I'm looking alot at the Canon Powershot sx40 hs!

Raychael Ayres
1 answer
Raychael Ayres

Which camera brand is better. Nikon or Canon?

I'm a beginning photographer and I'm looking to buy a nice DSLR camera. I'm just not sure which brand is better. Nikon or Canon.
I was thinking Nikon because I've some great work produced by a Nikon on Flickr.
Also if you have any specific models that are really good. Please let me know. I'm trying to find a specific model so I can start looking for good deals.