Nikon SLR Cameras

Amazing cameras for beginner photographers?


I was looking into the Nikon. I get confused ALOT when it comes to the names with all the letters and numbers. I just like to take photos of animals, nature, and people. Thanks and Happy Holidays!

Added (1). *Nikon 1

Added (2). DSLR would be nice, my budget is $750.00.


Some more info would be nice
what's your budget?
do you want a DSLR, SLR, Compact, etc?

EDIT: Check out the Canon EOS 550D and the Nikon d3100

Steve P
Steve P

DON'T waste your money on the Nikon 1. I predict that will be one of the biggest goofs Nikon ever made. That camera is a Way OVERPRICED point and shoot. It has a tiny sensor and produces photos little better than a $200 camera you can slip in your pocket.

You are FAR better off to spend your money on an entry level DSLR with the kit lens to get started. The D3100 as suggested will come in under your price point.

Jon Klein
Jon Klein

Canon T2i is priced at $600-$700 dollars and has is an all around great beginner DSLR plus it does 1080p HD video!

i also recommend a 50mm 1.8 which costs 100 dollars, (cheapest canon lens, but of the best image quality for its price range) and the large aperture of 1.8 gives you a nice shallow Depth of field (background blur).


If you have that amount of money to spend, get an SLR (a basic nikon SLR is within your price range).

If the size of an SLR bothers you, then just get a basic point and shoot.

the nikon 1 and pentax q have the drawback of an SLR (needing to change the lens) but none of the benefits (large sensor). But who knows, maybe they will turn out to be good.

I don't enjoy ragging on new products (I prefer to give them a chance first), but I'm very skeptical about these small-sensored pseudo-dSLRs. They seem very gimmicky to me.