Nikon SLR Cameras

What did I do to deserve this?


I moved out of my abusive fathers house about 5 months ago, and since then it's been absolute hell. I'm 18 years old and live with my boyfriend and his family (thats the best part of my situation)
My mom is a drug addict who left me when I was 13 years old, ever since then I got awesome grades in school, tried my absolute best to make everyone happy just to be put down for everything I do.
This month has been hell. My mom who I haven't seen in almost 5 years doesn't show up when she said she would come to visit me (she lives in Arizona I live in Maryland), lies about giving me money, won't return my phone calls.
My dads ex girlfriend who I consider a mother gives me only a cheap make-up set from Walmart while her son gets millions of brand new Xbox 360 games.
I feel left out of everything and got awesome gifts for everyone and I got *** from the dollar store. Really?
I had to quit my job at Petco because they were abusing the animals, so I'm broke.
I got offered a nice photography job, but it's about 40 miles away, I have no car or nice "professional" Nikon camera like these spoiled brats.
Then just today my iPod restores itself on an iTunes update and erases 2, 225 songs.

Can my luck get any worse? What did I do to deserve parents that hate me?

Not to mention my computer has been blue-screening. I'm sorry to complain so much but is there any light at the end of the tunnel?
Oh, and I can't get into college because wonderful FAFSA won't accept me as independent unless I file a complete dependency override which could take a year.

Added (1). F*** all of you.


You've had a tough time of it, bad parents suck. You've had some things not go your way lately. Try to hold onto the good things in your life. You're a generous person. Lots of people aren't and never will be. Try not to be a victim, be cautious, I know you know not everyone deserves trust. Keep plugging away. Sometimes life is sh-t.

omaso albinoni
omaso albinoni

OMG eith the iPod thing. I'd be terribly upset if it was me. Don't listen to the other dou.ches. I'm proud of you the way you handle yourself even if I don't know you. No child deserves such parents. If it was me I would probably scream at their face and tell them how much hated them and write a blog/book about them. And leave them and forget them and move somewhere far far away. They will have no means to reach me because they don't know where I'm and have no contact details.

Then me and my boyfriend will find new friends and work our but off. While I try to look for ethical places to work.